
Showing posts from July, 2024

Happiness is a choice

 When I chance upon a friend, I asked:- What is your definition of happiness. Her reply:- I have food on my table. I travel whenever I want. I choose to be alone whenever I want. But the sparkle is not in her eyes. Then I asked: - What happened to real happiness? What will really make you feel that you are living your life full? Her reply: - I don't know. How many of you out there are like her? How can you find out? What is next if it is still needing an answer? As for me, my happiness is the ability to feel the joy and realization of my clients after each coaching session. When they bloom, I feel very happy because in the same process I found my own answers. You might think that it is weird that I have this kind of emotion and feelings. Well! you can give it a go and do something for someone, but you get the returns in more than financial space. If you are needing a coach, simply reach out to me at