
Showing posts from 2015


What is life ? People been heard too say that"Die die die" or "I prefer death than this" . It's the perception that it is easier this way or you thinks they just wanted sympathy. I personally are probe to say the fist phrase many years ago but as I aged, I learn to accept every obstacles  as a bonus. I must be crazy but I believe being crazy is better than death. I live my life in ways that is very sidebar from most people.  I want to achieve my dreams within this two years.When I did that,I still greed for more life therefore I pray that my calling don't come so soon. As long as I can yak , eat, happy and healthy,I want to life to a great age. After all I have a very busy guy that give me 15 minute of his time to say hello and goodbye.Therefore,I have so much time to save on 24 hours.I just calculated that I have 350,400,  minutes a year and if I use only 15 minute a  day I still have a lot of space to explore my life. So,I must start to draw my life ch