
What is life? People been heard too say that"Die die die" or "I prefer death than this" . It's the perception that it is easier this way or you thinks they just wanted sympathy. I personally are probe to say the fist phrase many years ago but as I aged, I learn to accept every obstacles  as a bonus. I must be crazy but I believe being crazy is better than death.

I live my life in ways that is very sidebar from most people.  I want to achieve my dreams within this two years.When I did that,I still greed for more life therefore I pray that my calling don't come so soon. As long as I can yak , eat, happy and healthy,I want to life to a great age.

After all I have a very busy guy that give me 15 minute of his time to say hello and goodbye.Therefore,I have so much time to save on 24 hours.I just calculated that I have 350,400,  minutes a year and if I use only 15 minute a  day I still have a lot of space to explore my life. So,I must start to draw my life chart until the end.

Either way, life have to be the best regardless of your status. We should do things that can improve our lives and motivate our youth. Well! I am thinking and planning ardently. Hahaha! I wish everyone successful life as I care for mine.Finally, don't harm anyone or anything that have life.

The above was something I wrote two years ago but not posted. Many things happened but none nearer to mine commitment. This is a total failure because I just stopped progressing. Why? I am also puzzle. As I search my thoughts and actions, I am holding back due to reluctance to see. I worked hard but not smart. I thought by helping others, I can achieve success in my own life because we are team builders. But somehow along the way , I lost my drive. What could have been a success is all just a huff in the smoke.

Serious thinking is needed but my personal "debts" is bogging down all my effort. Therefore, first step is to clear all this dirty linens. Then start loving myself by ensuring I take care of my everything perfectly.

Let's start.


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