
Showing posts from August, 2024

Life is a Parcel

Yes, life is a parcel. A parcel that needs to be open. I been thru a lot of obstacles in life. However, I am thankful that whoever is up there still remember to reward me  once a while. Thank you.  Nearly had a clash with my daughter. But, though I am sad that I still have to remind her about her duty and responsibilities. Being a very short fuse lady, she was thumping like an incredible hulk. I was a little annoyed but not to the extends of fighting fire with fire. Instead, I just let my own disappointment turn to disaster. After all, she is just a tired girl who have not rested for one week. School activities. Well, glad that I have done that. While I was preparing for  a beauty sleep, my lovely daughter came in to apologies.  Now, don't you think that is the sweetest thing to do. I really appreciate her sincerity and accepted be eater I was never angry. Just annoyed. Backdate that to my birthday. Knowing that her DOM(me) is such a person that love birthdays, wedding, births