Life is a Parcel

Yes, life is a parcel. A parcel that needs to be open. I been thru a lot of obstacles in life. However, I am thankful that whoever is up there still remember to reward me  once a while.
Thank you.

 Nearly had a clash with my daughter. But, though I am sad that I still have to remind her about her duty and responsibilities. Being a very short fuse lady, she was thumping like an incredible hulk. I was a little annoyed but not to the extends of fighting fire with fire. Instead, I just let my own disappointment turn to disaster. After all, she is just a tired girl who have not rested for one week. School activities. Well, glad that I have done that. While I was preparing for  a beauty sleep, my lovely daughter came in to apologies.  Now, don't you think that is the sweetest thing to do. I really appreciate her sincerity and accepted be eater I was never angry. Just annoyed.

Backdate that to my birthday. Knowing that her DOM(me) is such a person that love birthdays, wedding, births, etc. She gets her dad together and they bake a cake for me as my present(well, at least do it). Being Chinese I am greedy of tradition,  she knows me so well. On my Chinese birthday, she prepare " mee sua" and red eggs for me with my maid's help. She cooked me a night before my actual date since I am leaving for business on that day.

She have not realized that I have forego my own birthdays celebrations many years ago. I only place importance in these occasions for those who are love and respected by me. This is because everyone is a present to me. I have been blessed with a bad temper, arrogant but always done the right thing the end:). It is a healthy life to have her in this order. She always realized that the irritating things or unreasonable advice is actually been properly thought over before it is being commanded.

Thank you my darling daughter. I will always love you.

The above blog was written on the 23rd Feb 2014 at 2320hrs.

Now that she is 10 years older , she saw what I have always wish happen. Her life belongs to her and as a mother, I just stand by the side. She knows that I will always be there for her even when I leave this body.

Gratitude is a present for making realization and accept after I have done all that is possible.


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