Time to grow

 How often we do things that we love? How will you decide when to do it? When you have done those things that you love, what will grow for you?

As for me, I have the chance to explore the world(virtually) thankfully I saw the vast opportunity the lockdown caused. Without the need to travel and wasted time in the traffic, it gives me more time to myself.  It is bad and good at the same time. hahaha!!! you think that you can enjoy things and then you noticed that it is just a dream fulfilled so easily. Then I move on to discover things and activities that I have never do before like muay thai , archery, art jamming and the list goes on. This is how I handle my lockdown so that I can see what to bring to tourism when we are open for tourism. How are you handling this change to the new

Attending Virtual PATA Annual Summit 2021 indeed is good way to look future traveling pattern. Countries are rushing up to get everything ready to welcome tourists and have a foot into the SDG. Solutions, to me is to have a joint efforts in ensuring safety Covid 19 travelers. If I am to travel for leisure, I want to know that in the event I was infected, what will the country of travel do for me. I have not seen any country putting an effort into ensuring the safety of tourists. Well! Not yet. Time is crucial when pandemic like this is not going away.
Should we hide and cry or go out fight and fight? It is all about countries joint effort.


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