Coaching Values to ME

 If you have to dream , then work at your dream. In Mandarin "梦想“ (pronounce as Meng Xiang ). To me it means , I have a dream that I must realized. Dreams teach me a lot because it is me making decisions internally. The trick is to know your dreams translation.

This bring me to topic of not knowing what and how to effectively execute my personal social media. The main reason lie in me. I do social media posting to encourage and motivate people including myself. It is my hope that through the many posting, someone can seek me out to support them using the coaching methods. On the other hand, it will also be beneficial to me. The issues arises from the acceptance level of people on coaching. I will share with you my fear of coaching even now and how I solve them.

1. Ego journey - I believe I am an egoist by practice. Now I keep throwing out by ego whenever possible and that open up the flow to limitless possibilities.

2. Fear of wrong - in my culture being wrong is such an embarrassment. Now I just apologize and be wrong with questioning method.

3. I like to talk more than listen - scare nobody let me talk. hahaha!!!  I changed this by learning to listen more than talk. Still practicing la .Silent is golden.

4. Judge by others - poor,rich, clever, dim, pretty, ugly, snooty, arrogance and the list go on. I learn to let myself go by letting the judgement go. If I have to live in the life people mold me then I will not have my life back. The solution, do what I feel appropriate and appreciate the comments.

5. Culture - I am taught to keep all my feelings, dissatisfaction, helplessness etc as a secret because people will use this as weapons. How I wish? what you think I did on this?

there are more but the fundamental of it are these 5 big issues which I am ironing them out gradually.

A habit is not change if we do not do it regularly. Therefore, I keep doing it and learn from the experience how coaching can help me while I help others.

Look for me if I have any opportunity of sharing experience with you.



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