Reflections of your life.

Reflections of your life !

In this case, I am doing this reflections so that you can start your engine into doing yours.

How often do you do this? I came across this method of clearing my days about a few years ago. Why I do not remember when? This is what happened, I clear off my mind from needing to put a date for change. I just reflect on every situation after it happened. This way, things are easier to managed and painful experience become a learning.

Being human do not give me an excuse to forgive myself whenever I took any comments negatively. Our subconscious mind has a super powerful tool assisted by the monkey mind. I have been living in this for so long that some of them I took it in as a habit. The not so good examples as below:-

1. “What they think of me when I do this and not that?

2. “The situation is all their fault(s)”

3. “If I have ……...”

Do you agree with me that these are all in the past? Whether it is good or bad, it is done with and should be deal immediately before it become a sickness.

Actually, changing one habit at a time is pretty easy. I started with giving myself a chance to debate the situation and what solutions is possible. Remember, each decision must be supported with and action and the consequences of it.

After this, I move on to change my daily habits. The moment I open my eyes, I say my gratitude loudly that I work up healthy and the world have healthier people too. I decided there and then that my day is going to fill with possibility. Possibility can come in any form. Bad or good, I will turn it into a solution. This somehow turn my sight towards a lot of beauty no matter how bad the situation is until one time I was called as ignorant. Ouch!! That hurts but instead of responding, I have this sense of regret that it is such a pity some people still live in pain and forgot that life is full of beauty. At that same moment, I was also thinking “ If I am like him then there are no changes at all in habits.” . This thought immediately make me bounce back to my purpose in life. That to live in abundance, I help people to offload their garbage and still stay clean. This is also what cause me to love coaching so passionately. Address everything individual and do not carry other people’s monkey. Am I good at this? I can definitely say yes if the participants/coachee are as committed to their life as I am to mine. Coaching does not need much. It just needs one clarity that you want to find out how to better yourself. Simple right? No, it is very difficult even for me when I started. But as the journey goes on each steps become lighter and each action become value.

Lastly, what trigger me to write this today after a long spell of silent?

1. I thought that my English grammar is not fluent enough to capture attention of my writing. I learned all my English from reading and conversing. I do not come from any school that is conducted in English. I write the way I think. There were comments or even no comments but silent support. But what the heck, most people understand and send me messages to continue. It is the one that understand the situation matters. Thank you for being here for me. You matter.

2. Chinese New Year is the biggest and most important festival for me. I took time off to be myself enjoying the time with the cultural practices and in some way, I took a lazy leave off for myself.

3. Law of attraction is very strong. I used all my concentration to ensure that my trip is successful with smooth processes in helping my mother to collect her medication. As I was driving to @Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) where parking is impossible since I was running late, I imagine a carpark (next to the main one) is empty and visualized my car is the only one. It works, the car park was empty. Cool right? Wrong, my visualization missed out one point. That the car park is still open. It was empty because they have closed that car park. This makes me realize how much I can do when I concentrate and sincerely feel that moment.

4. My past – another incident after this HUKM visit. After I parked my car, I noticed that the car next to me is way too near me and there is one guy inside the car. So, I tapped on his car and asked whether it is possible for him to get out from his car. Pity that he opens up the car and rudely ask “ Do you think I can do out?”. I apologize and immediately remove my car and found another space immediately. The fire of anger nearly spoils my day but I decided to change it into compassion. I feel pity that some people do not know how to be polite. This is also why bully happened. Too much pain in one’s mind. I just smile and happy that I am not him. Then I send him a virtual blessing that he will have good moments after that.

Does this mean that I am fully saint? It will be a joke of the century if I am one. I still have to keep learning how to make each situation acceptable so that the energy for solutions become clearer.

I do not strive on perfection because I learn from every imperfection that I have. Without seeing the black, white does not matter.

How do you deal with your reflections? Does it always give you something ? If yes, what is the something that you are looking for?

Till my next article, stay with yourself no matter how life treats you. How you treat yourself is the only solutions that matters.

#Cloudstory my every day inspiration. I am amazed on how different they can be even in just few colors within second apart. Then I learned from them that the colors are how I decide to look at them at that moment. You want to give it a try? It is indeed enlightening.


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