Negative Emotions

You must be wondering what happened to me right? It's been sometime since I have last written any post. Time is just speeding by when I am having fun discovering what life can brings. I believe yours is also going through a lot of exciting transformation.

Some of you might already know that I am learning NLP. My purpose is pretty simple and I pay a price for that price. Is it worth the time and investment? Well! This experience it like a mature wine, it gets better overtime. This is my generalization based on somewhat knowledge about wine. Please excuse me if I have phrased it out of context. What can I bring to you for your benefits?

Before I answer the what, while I am away from my blog, have you done anything of significant that you can be proud of? No need to answer but just hold those thoughts in your unconscious mind. Do you have any discovery that you are better than old self? If nothing pops up now, it's ok. It will be surfacing soon. It's good to have all your emotions surfacing so that you are aware of it's existence. What makes me say this? This is the interesting part.

Emotions plays a major part in our life. Unconsciously we let them make us feel lousy at time. These are the reasons why you cannot allowed these emotions to harm you.

Anger - Cause heart attack- I am sure you have heard and also know someone who have this happened when they were angry.

Sadness - will weaken your immune system and when prolong it can be a cause for depression. 

Fear - Can cause excessive stress, PTSD,Phobia and most of the time will prevent progress. 

Guilt - will lower your healing energy

Conflict - might be the cause for cancer.

To find out more, you can just google for Indepth understanding of the emotion. Here, I just want to highlight the main issues attracted by you when you do not act on it.

The how is very simple. You need to start with yourself. Your inner self and your pain in life. The discovery might be extraordinary because it is not a step that ordinary people will do. Only people who knows their possibilities and willing to peel of their inner beliefs will achieve the success beyond their expectations.

Then you need to do a lot of reflections and decide how you want to "cure "yourself out of the emotions. Everyone have choices so this is where you make your choices. I did.

Finally, choose the methods you need to overcome and change or transform your life. Everything is possible when you think it is possible and take action. 

My method is pretty clear cut - I embrace the coaching tools and enhance it with NLP. It's a journey of opening pandora boxes every time. Most of the time, I came out a winner and sometimes, I just make a choice.

In life, you choose what you choose to do. The rest is how you do it to get the results you want.  Keep reflecting and take actions.


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