The energy of universe.

Will you be able to stand firmly on planet Earth if there is no energy?

What then is energy to you?

This article is about the way energy has helped us to achieve comfort in life.

Energy is fundamental to various aspects of human life and is essential for powering a wide range of activities. Here are some key ways in which energy is of use for human beings:

1. **Electricity for Homes and Businesses:**

   - Energy is used to generate electricity, which powers homes, offices, industries, and various electronic devices.

   - Lighting, heating, cooling, cooking, and running appliances all rely on electricity.

2. **Transportation:**

   - Energy is required for transportation, whether it's fuel for vehicles (gasoline, diesel, electricity for electric vehicles) or energy for public transportation systems.

   - Airplanes, trains, automobiles, ships, and other modes of transportation are dependent on energy.

3. **Industrial Processes:**

   - Industries use energy for manufacturing processes, chemical reactions, and other operations.

   - Energy is crucial for the production of goods and services across various sectors.

4. **Information Technology:**

   - Energy powers computers, servers, and data centers, facilitating communication, data storage, and access to information.

   - The internet and digital technologies rely on energy to function.

5. **Healthcare:**

   - Medical facilities use energy for lighting, heating, medical equipment, and various diagnostic and treatment technologies.

   - Refrigeration for storing medications and medical supplies also requires energy.

6. **Agriculture:**

   - Energy is used in agriculture for activities such as irrigation, planting, harvesting, and processing.

   - The production and transportation of fertilizers and pesticides also rely on energy.

7. **Education:**

   - Schools and educational institutions require energy for lighting, heating or cooling, and electronic equipment.

   - Educational tools, multimedia resources, and online learning platforms are powered by energy.

8. **Research and Innovation:**

   - Scientific research, experiments, and innovation often involve the use of energy for laboratories, equipment, and technological advancements.

9. **Everyday Convenience:**

   - Energy is behind the convenience of modern life, from household appliances to smartphones and electronic gadgets.

10. **Medical Advances:**

    - Energy powers medical research, enabling advancements in treatments, diagnostics, and medical technologies.

While energy is indispensable for human progress and well-being, it's important to transition toward sustainable and renewable sources to mitigate environmental impacts and address long-term energy challenges.

All these are powerful energy and help us tremendously.

Imagine you as the powerhouse of these energies, what will be your outcome? Can you see it now?

 At the moment of writing this article, the historical data of Bazi is still missing. Therefore I can only say Bazi - a part of metaphysics that has existed for centuries.

More to this will be explained in ways that can bring more meaning to Bazi and how you use it on your daily life.


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