
Life is a Parcel

Yes, life is a parcel. A parcel that needs to be open. I been thru a lot of obstacles in life. However, I am thankful that whoever is up there still remember to reward me  once a while. Thank you.  Nearly had a clash with my daughter. But, though I am sad that I still have to remind her about her duty and responsibilities. Being a very short fuse lady, she was thumping like an incredible hulk. I was a little annoyed but not to the extends of fighting fire with fire. Instead, I just let my own disappointment turn to disaster. After all, she is just a tired girl who have not rested for one week. School activities. Well, glad that I have done that. While I was preparing for  a beauty sleep, my lovely daughter came in to apologies.  Now, don't you think that is the sweetest thing to do. I really appreciate her sincerity and accepted be eater I was never angry. Just annoyed. Backdate that to my birthday. Knowing that her DOM(me) is such a person that love birthdays, wedding, births

Happiness is a choice

 When I chance upon a friend, I asked:- What is your definition of happiness. Her reply:- I have food on my table. I travel whenever I want. I choose to be alone whenever I want. But the sparkle is not in her eyes. Then I asked: - What happened to real happiness? What will really make you feel that you are living your life full? Her reply: - I don't know. How many of you out there are like her? How can you find out? What is next if it is still needing an answer? As for me, my happiness is the ability to feel the joy and realization of my clients after each coaching session. When they bloom, I feel very happy because in the same process I found my own answers. You might think that it is weird that I have this kind of emotion and feelings. Well! you can give it a go and do something for someone, but you get the returns in more than financial space. If you are needing a coach, simply reach out to me at

Breakthrough Journey - 3 simple steps.

Life is all about chasing the dreams. The questions starts to be implanted to you when you were born. In the modern generation, parents started way before the child is born. Is this the right way to cultivate a new generation? From my research, a child is a gift. They are not something that is being flown in by the stork. They are also not something that you own. They are a person with life of their own.  The problem starts with the parent's best intention. That is to give them the best of what they never have and to ensure that they live a full life.  My question is what will you consider as full?  To most of us including the previous me, I used to think that the material things that I gave to my child will definitely bring more joy and happiness for her own path in future.  Parents work hard to ensure that the financial capabilities will give their children what they wanted. But seldom give the children a choice to choose. Drama unfold when the child did not follow their directio

Coaching is sole for you.

#MasteringOurDestiny #Coaching #LearningJourney #PersonalGrowth #MindBodySpirit #DynamicFengShui #AbundanceMindset #HolisticWellness #QiActivation #Manifestation #SelfReflection In the midst of perusing advertisements promising strategies to market my business, I found myself pondering: what truly drives my passion for coaching? It's a question worth exploring, as it speaks to the core of my journey. I may sound noble, but truth be told, I am passionately immersed in coaching, eagerly absorbing every facet connected to this transformative practice. My reasons are simple: 1. **Love for Learning:** My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. Each day presents an opportunity to expand my understanding and refine my craft. 2. **Embracing Mistakes:** I believe in the power of learning from failures and mistakes. They are inevitable, but through them, I continually evolve and grow. 3. **Empowering Others:** There's a profound sense of fulfillment in helping others discover their potenti

Sense of Belonging.

#MasteringOurDestiny #LifePurpose #SelfReflection #PersonalGrowth #Coaching #LearningJourney #SelfDiscovery #LifeAdventure Where do you belong? Who do you belong to? What can you do with this information? As you ponder upon these questions, allow me to share my journey and insights with you. Many of us strive to surpass our previous selves, continually climbing higher until we realize we've strayed from our prime. It's then that we often hit the emergency brake, only to discover it's too late. Youth fades, and the opportunity to prepare for another ascent dwindles. Why do I say this? In my late 50s, I've found my life brimming with adventure, delving into various fields like coaching, NLP, Bazi, Oracle card reading, and more. I used to believe I was prepared, relying on stable income sources and investing what I could afford to lose. Yet, I failed to calculate the future value of my investments. My life's purpose is simple: 1. I love to learn. 2. I love to share. 3.

Holiday with happy healthy body.

Title: Embarking on a Journey of Self-Mastery: My Fasting Retreat Experience #SelfMastery #HolisticWellness #FastingRetreat #MindBodySpirit #WellnessJourney #HealthyLiving #NourishYourBody #SelfAwareness #Gratitude #EnergyAbundance #MindfulNourishment #WellnessCommunity In the quest to master our destiny, every aspect of our lives comes into play. For me, it began with a journey of spiritual and mindset cleansing, paving the way for a deeper understanding of holistic well-being. One of the pivotal steps in this journey was learning to nourish my body while still embracing the joy of holiday festivities. This realization dawned on me amidst moments of clarity that emerged continuously, transcending mere physical detoxification. Thus, it came as a pleasant surprise when I stumbled upon an event notice adorning the door of Purity Wellness, my sanctuary for yoga and wellness. A Fasting Retreat amidst nature, orchestrated by the seasoned guidance of Teacher Alan alongside the support of Tea

Finding Light in Life's Ups and Downs: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Title: Finding Light in Life's Ups and Downs: A Journey of Self-Discovery Have you ever felt like the ups and downs of life were wreaking havoc on your journey? Perhaps you've wondered if it's just a natural part of growing up, or if there's something more to it. Like many of us, I've often failed to recognize that everything happens for a reason.  But now, I've come to realize that many aspects of our lives are within our control. You might be skeptical, thinking, "How can this be possible?" Trust me, I've been there. And even though I may appear to have it all together on the surface, the untold stories of my struggles run deep. Yet, with each realization, my path becomes clearer and brighter. I woke up in time. Rejection used to hit me hard, leaving me feeling defeated for extended periods. And truth be told, it still stings. However, my response has evolved. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I now ask myself, "What is this teaching me?&qu