
Types of prayer and why.

It is always a puzzle why we pray so differently.For me,I conduct prayer our of respect to culture and ancestor's teaching. I believe we should not demand anything from these ritual.It serves as an outlet for those who need to be heard.God will always take care of us no matter what or who we are. People started to blame God when prayers are not answered.They don't realise that we are blessed with so many things that we don't need and still want more.

Just reading"The monk who sold his Ferrari'( well,a late one to read this book but better later than never) which give me the new meaning of full. In one of the page,Julian keep pouring tea on a cup until it overflow and only stopped when John yelled at him. The rationale is Julianne is telling John that we cannot take in anything unless we empty the cup. In this, it meant that you already have more than enough and you still ask for more? Of course there are deeper reasons from this lesson that meet the eyes. I just feel appropriate that I see it here in this scenario too.

I may be a culprit for saying this but I have the right to think and say. As long as it does not hurt anyone.I believe in all religions that teach people about being a good human who live in a very congested world.

 There are no right or wrong until people debate on it for their own benefit.

With respect of all religion that advocate goodness and harmony, I salute.


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