
Showing posts from 2019

Law of attractions

Law of attractions Law of attractions is really a phenomenon to me. I choose to believe in this since this really create that kind of result, the heart and soul have to be dedicated solely to the cause. Every now and then we behave like a hypocrite. Doing one thing and advising another. In this kind of scene, what can the law of attractions be of use right? The fundamentals of this are tag against the strong belief and constant harping of the issues that might and most of the time happen to give you the satisfaction of practicing this method. How many of us are that diligent or really understand the needs to have this strong power that will not be sway? How many will pin down their mission wholeheartedly in the strong belief that you will succeed? And again, how many really have that kind of power to stay strong after defeat. Law of attractions never promises anything except you to have to contribute a lot to make this a successful action that can bring you the result. I ha

Time and expectation

COF Day 2 : Time and expectation Even though it's a short span of a few hours, many things and situation tend to change. What happened to be the blockbuster news have slowly faded away into the background. It will not be the topic of the day anymore. Therefore, time heals everything. Always appreciate your time and respect other people's time too. Missing one minute here and two minutes there might not seem important to you but you still have to respect the time given to you. All things with life have a cycle. Like a flower, it is the product of a seed which over time become the flower which we see. Nobody really notices the growing stage as you yourself also do not know it. In maybe 10 years or more then only you realized that what you have planted is giving you flowers or thorns. I just learned from one of the FB postings that negative comments can draw results. It's how we use the result that will give us the outcome we wanted. The traditional sweet and clean image of

Meaning of Birthdays.

Birthdays used to be very important to me because this is the only time presents starts to pour in. As we age, we have more and I need less, therefore, the meaning of birthdays become less materialistic and more valuable in life. Today I am officially 53 years old and counting. Enthusiastically, I enjoy the serene time of being who I am and what I need. For the past 30 odd years, it's all about making things good for others. It's all about what I can do for others because I do not have those things and fell extremely proud to provide it for them. But........a few years ago, I came to realize that what I did is because I wanted to do it out of my own free will and hope for appreciation. It is totally shocking to realize how I mistreated myself for the happiness of others. I could have been richer then but that has not come to my mind. I am blessed to have things that I wanted or more so I thought my help is appreciated.  I no longer seek attention in returns of favors or doing t