Time and expectation

COF Day 2 : Time and expectation

Even though it's a short span of a few hours, many things and situation tend to change. What happened to be the blockbuster news have slowly faded away into the background. It will not be the topic of the day anymore. Therefore, time heals everything. Always appreciate your time and respect other people's time too. Missing one minute here and two minutes there might not seem important to you but you still have to respect the time given to you. All things with life have a cycle. Like a flower, it is the product of a seed which over time become the flower which we see. Nobody really notices the growing stage as you yourself also do not know it. In maybe 10 years or more then only you realized that what you have planted is giving you flowers or thorns. I just learned from one of the FB postings that negative comments can draw results. It's how we use the result that will give us the outcome we wanted. The traditional sweet and clean image of presenting all the goods have somehow been replaced by aggressive marketing. People just want to see results, they don't care how you do it as long as you get them what they want. In order to be in this position, the trendy marketing style purely follows the trends. This brings me to the statement below, every day I receive this kind of statement thru one site that I have signed on for free. I am amazed that it always share some thoughts I am having or action that I am taking. It's like another voice of mine. 

Chien: Humility,

Do not forget that in life, nothing remains unchanged and everything evolves through transformation. You must learn how to evaluate every situation with the correct amount of modesty. If you are living a moment of success, re-dimension your enthusiasm; If on the other hand you are waiting for development be patient; everything turns and renews itself.

In the success journey, most of us have to walk alone because the mission to achieve the vision is something only the "creator" knows. Many a time I have been aggressively sharing videos or articles from things that I learned. And many times, I believe people think that I am a little out of scopes. I am one person that like to form my own opinions and sadly most of the time is quite different from the existing thoughts. I for one blame my ancestors for being so old fashion in the education arena. If they are more proactive at farming the thoughts of our people, then we might have better things. But like all things, it's easier said than done. Biting my own words, I believe they have done what they thought is the best at the time and at that era. Imagine the faces of our ancestors if they ever have any women who wear a miniskirt during that time? I believe you know what I mean ya. Well! What we do now might not be applicable for our children and our grandchildren so.............................................WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?   


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