Law of attractions

Law of attractions

Law of attractions is really a phenomenon to me. I choose to believe in this since this really create that kind of result, the heart and soul have to be dedicated solely to the cause. Every now and then we behave like a hypocrite. Doing one thing and advising another. In this kind of scene, what can the law of attractions be of use right? The fundamentals of this are tag against the strong belief and constant harping of the issues that might and most of the time happen to give you the satisfaction of practicing this method. How many of us are that diligent or really understand the needs to have this strong power that will not be sway? How many will pin down their mission wholeheartedly in the strong belief that you will succeed? And again, how many really have that kind of power to stay strong after defeat. Law of attractions never promises anything except you to have to contribute a lot to make this a successful action that can bring you the result.

I have written this sometime back and only posting this now. Through my journey in life, many things have happened due to my strong desire to excel and very stubborn assets to win. Luckily, I learn to bow out of things and learn to accept defeat when it's time to do so. There are a few lessons which have helped me to achieve my result in drawing successes. 1. We must be able to do whatever task diligently and wholeheartedly 2. we must believe that nothing remains same and we must go with the flow. 3. Never give up. ALWAYS believe in your ability to perform above your own limits.

How you do this????..........I will share my experience soon.


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