Meaning of Birthdays.

Birthdays used to be very important to me because this is the only time presents starts to pour in. As we age, we have more and I need less, therefore, the meaning of birthdays become less materialistic and more valuable in life. Today I am officially 53 years old and counting. Enthusiastically, I enjoy the serene time of being who I am and what I need. For the past 30 odd years, it's all about making things good for others. It's all about what I can do for others because I do not have those things and fell extremely proud to provide it for them. But........a few years ago, I came to realize that what I did is because I wanted to do it out of my own free will and hope for appreciation. It is totally shocking to realize how I mistreated myself for the happiness of others. I could have been richer then but that has not come to my mind. I am blessed to have things that I wanted or more so I thought my help is appreciated.  I no longer seek attention in returns of favors or doing things for others without them asking for it, freely. If they need me, I believe they have to start asking them.

Learning is really an incredible tool. It changes over time even though the thoughts remain authentic. In learning new things, I manage to retrain myself to adapt and change for the betterment of the present. Furthermore, this learning should NEVER stop. Sometimes or honestly speaking my ego does stand in the way of progress. My thoughts stubbornly refused to accept the lesson taught. I am only human too and I have to keep doing self talk to achieve some progress. Part of this is due to the environment where speaking or thinking positively is like a life and death change. In order to be better, I have to swallow my pride and accept reality. I am emulating change and make it my daily routine. Changes can be bad or good but if I don't realize that I need to change then it's definitely my loss. Believe me when I said in this era CHANGES is the keyword. I don't live to be at this age and more and still learning because I have nothing to do. What will I be when I am 60, 70, 80 or more? How can I be independently able and enjoying life if I do not learn now? I do hope those who are young realized that they need to work harder because the technology is catching up faster than their brain. They should learn how to use the technology for their betterment and not let the technology better than them. Parents play a big role in ensuring that all the learnings are skills that are not replaceable. Life is a cycle, what you have accumulated in wealth might not be sufficient for your next generation if you do not farm it thru your children. How many poor become rich and how many rich remain rich? Nobody remains in that status with just one generation of fortune. Wake up and work it out so that you will have a generation of Entrepreneurs.

Stay tuned to my unpredictable writing time. Spend a lot of time learning and writing. Cheers to the moment. ALWAYS LIVE FOR THE MOMENT 活在当下。


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