The Unknown elements.

Without really seeing I thought what I saw was right. This pandemic teaches me plenty. It taught me to see things my way and use it delicately when I am doing my own things. As for sharing, some expect you to be spoon feeding them because you need them for business. Some feel that you have done not enough and expect miracles from you. Living is in achieving something of value to this life at this moment . Dying - that’s the only definite thing in my life when I was born. Fear of dying will only shorten the joy of living and many are in this segment . Sad right? Bad news sell just like bad people . They last longer. In this sense, many people think they do the right thing when they do the wrong thing. Who understand what I am saying here?

In the world changes, people got drowned in the flow of processes. Even when the processes is already obsolete, they still follow it blindly. When asked why they do not see the needs to improve by changing and you know what is their response " Well! I make my money before from this methods and I still believe this is the key to successful future" . Who am I to convince them that it's good to back up with trends even though they don't like it. Guess, people likes to feel pain and being hit in the face give them satisfaction that success from before can come and take away successes for future.

I am also from the past and I see it as a chance to change whenever possible. However, I too as guilty as charge because seeing it and not able to do anything about it- it simply means I cannot fight the system with just instinct. Many times right does not give me the privilege of being better.  The fact of matters have to co-relate to scientific findings. This is why most of my instinct and prediction is not being accepted.

Let's see what will happen in the new norm.

Wishing everyone a fruitful and blessed year till end of 2020.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


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