Heavenly Pardon Day

 Since today is heavenly pardon day, I seek forgiveness if I have invoke intentionally or unintentionally in my articles. It is purely my sharing of experiences and it might invoke some pain to people who were somehow affected by my sharing.

Well! the secret of my success is not knowing what is success to me. To me it is a sin since I have such a beautiful gift that I call life. Learning to appreciate it is not something easy when all the emotion are outsourced. I used to think that, to love someone is the greatest gift ever. Then I discover that this is not true. By loving them unconditionally, I have cocoon them into dependency and lack of drive to proceed. I only realised that to love unconditionally, one have to start loving yourself. Not selfish kind of love but a pure respect kind of love. Through this kind of practices only, one can share love because of the abundance. It will only grow within and embrace others. If you have not notice it yet, then it is good to give it a chance to grow.

In the day to day life, decisions are made to accommodate many needs. While it is done in the best interest, sometime it just does not turn out right. What makes me say this? It is because a simple message of “Don’t worry” can be translated into an insult even though it is being said with sincerity without any malice. This is exactly why disagreement erupted. And I learned again.

What is your experience on this? Have you ever been blamed for words or actions that you have taken sincerely in the intention of helping and got back fired? Does this stop you from doing the same good deeds again? As for me, I will not stop doing what I think right but I will use coaching questions to ensure that it does translate good intention as a giver.

Give more and you will see.

www.3secsoulution.com visit me if you have time. Coaching is the best tools to communicate in peace.


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