5 Things You Never Knew About Fear

5 Things You Never Knew About Fear

Without darkness, you will not know lights.
Without fear, you will not have clarity.
Today is the day to discover 5 things you neve knew about fear
Understanding the Science of Fear.


“Fear is our survival response”, say Northwestern Medicine Clinical Psychologist Zachary Siko
Let’s understand more.

Fear is Physical

It is something that is triggered and create a movie in your mind. In NLP , we identify this as the response of fight or flight. When you need to act immediately to an emergency, you will make the first most spontaneous move. In your choice to flight, you will already anchor fear in this process unconsciously. Your whole body will react to protect your being and this is unknown to you until it become serious. So, it is physical happening that cause unconscious fear- you will not be able to makegood decisions.

Fear Can Make You Foggy

While your brain is going through the identifying process, the rest of your system started to shut down. This will cause the inability of one to make wise decision and sometimes not even able to think clearly. That’s where the screaming and shouting will take place is you are being blamed for a case that you are not responsible for.  You will not be able to rationalize this even if the same situation is repeating itself similar to the last. Your thinking will shut down and you feel you are being the victim of a business deal. Then you will feel foggy.

Fear Can become Pleasure

This is the secondary gain in some instances especially those who are on night duty but fear of the dark orfear of public speaking. You will find ways to be sick and take medical leave whenever this kind of duties are given to you.

Fear Is Not Phobia

Watching a co-worker going through a hardship might leave you traumatized because you are not familiar with the needs. Like a zoo keeper handling tiger might be a job that you do not want. However, you might experience the fear and even though you are working in the zoo and your duty is different. But your daily life you still need to pass the tiger cage. Your ability to function while maintaining a rational reaction is just a single case of fear which have nothing to do with phobia.

Fear Keeps You Safe

“Fear is a natural and biological condition that we all experience “Say Dr Sikora.
“It’s important to experience fear because it keeps us safe”.You must be surprise to hear this. Fear is an emotion that can be positive and healthy which might bring negative emotion. This type of fear are normally another method used by certain people to either find solace or to control a situation. This is the most easy part- in NLP Coaching – we can remove negative emotions of fear easily.

Whatever fear situation that you are in now, our Personal Breakthrough Coaching will help you solve it effortlessly.

Contact me at +60123996326 for an appointment to clarify your needs of this coaching and see the benefits which after removing will give you success.

Information is extracted from:  https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/emotional-health/5-things-you-never-knew-about-fear




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