What is Coaching?

 This is a common question asked by many people. They either do not understand or they understand but do not know the purpose. 

Here are some of the explanation which is extracted from various sources :-

Microsoft Bing

Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. The learner is sometimes call a coachee. Coaching aims to improve performance and focuses on the "here and now" rather than on the past or future. There are many different modes of coaching.

*** This is not the actual explanation.

As a professional coach, I am trained to concentrate on the client and only the client. My duty is to to assist the client in achieving specific goals through a series of processes. No judgement and unwarranted breach of confidentiality by clients is needed. This is the most powerful part, the rapport with clients are so strong that every question that I asked are answered with the story they cannot tell. Incredible because being in the comfort of my space, they feel safe and non judgmental. I do not need to know everything from that coaching session but it will eventually be solved by the client with technique use during the coaching sessions. It is indeed incredible and together we achieve the specific goal of our clients. 

Some of the skills that professional coaches like me is always good at are :-

  • Listening
  • Passionate about their clients clarity and Empathetic
  • Creative, intuitive & curious
  • Trained in coaching behaviors and competent
  • Flexible to adapt to client's change
Some said that the results are fake because it is not long term. I have to agree that this could happened if:-
  • Client or coaches is not committed 
  • Actions is not taken to address the real issues
  • Hidden agenda of either parties-clarity will not be achieve. Example: If the coachee is being forced to attend or if the payor of the coachee needs a set rules for coaching.
I personally needs the coachee to contact me regardless who is paying the bill. My most important person is the client that I coach. 

The whole process can be complicated or easy , it all depends on the situation and the clients.
If you are interested for 1 FREE Session of chat, please fill up this form and I will get back to you.

whatsapp only: +60123996326 Peggy Ang


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