There is always a story to tell.

 Have you ever come across an incident that you could not get over the fact that someone can do it better than you? Now be honest. I do. That was when I acted as all humans do. Now I paused a while and then shifted my view from why to what. Yes. Seek my monkey mind and then process it to the situation. Every conversation always comes clean to deliver a message or share an idea. Simple right? Now, what makes it into an argument or disagreement?

There are an estimated 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day. Wow!!! We are all such impressive machines. But how many people put those ideas into action and how many people The monkey mind silencer is what everyone can have. Therefore, what makes it so difficult to do so. I know it is something the owner of the thoughts can take control of because I have tested this. Am I perfect then? My kakak (sister) shared an article The Leaking bucket which I reflected that I am not perfect. I must also change so that the whole environment change. This process will need to break a lot of habits and beliefs. And I have started. Tame my monkey mind have made me see my fault clearer and save myself about 50,000 useless thoughts and empower my energy to useful thoughts. Build my persona confidently.

How I do it? In getting clarity that I need someone to share my ideas with pop up frequently as I dive deeper into internal solution. I need someone who I trusted and listen without judgement. Initially, I engaged a coach for this tame my monkey mind process. Then I started to coach which allow me to concentrate on my participants with full anticipation due to my experience. This process not only help my participant in finding clarity, it did not give me time to procrastinate. IAC 9 Masteries have a series of questioning that as a coach I have to utilize. From a participant (coachee), the journey can only grow to be more effective. In helping others to discover their goals in taming the monkey mind, I also help them to empower themselves coachee/participants and have less time for myself. 

My passion now is concentrated towards helping students and graduate by coaching them to address the issue of taming the monkey mind. The next is helping them to discover their pure value and achieve their goal in the career path. 

Want to share your story with me? Many people will not know how to deal with the reality as culture face rejection as failure. Let's change the culture together and let you tell your story with confident. Be the person that you wanted to be when you leave school and meet the world with full confidence and dreams. You should never lick your wound alone. I have done that so I am here for you.


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