Action or reaction?


Action or reaction?

 I was pondering on what can I write about today. I did not continue to write because I was busy with personal activities that needs constant traveling. An excuse which does not make sense but with so much floating in my mind, I guess it is time to pen it down.


The topic today is Action or reaction. I find this interesting because there are so many ways to see this. In the there are so many explanations which intrigue me. Now, this is one I like most because it relates to what I want to share today.


Action is an act that one consciously wills and that may be characterized by physical or mention activities.

Reaction is a reverse movement or tendency: an action in a reverse direction or manner.


Based on this, it means that one is using the thought thinking process while the other is a spontaneous act. Which is more useful when you are making a big decision? Some will say Action while others might choose Reaction. Is that all? No, there will be more people with different outlook of these two words. This is also some of the reasons dictionary gives you a few explanations.


I will see it from my point of view and what I have done to arrive at whatever decisions I made.


Action story, I was walking with a friend and invited him for a dinner. Being me, I am a diehard of uncertainty and challenges. I will go to the deep end search of solutions. Did I get them? Not always but there are always new lessons from every search.  So, this dinner is done with strict SOP as per requirements because I have my DOM (Dear Ole Mom) with me and I am an obedient citizen too. The point of this is that he immediately goes into FOD (Fear of Dying) and FTL(Forgot to live) which irritate me. Remember, I am a human so I have reacted spontaneously by saying if you fear so much then don’t join us – this is reaction.  Cruel right? I think so too and now I am repenting even though he deserves it. It is not about him or others, it is all about me. How I react is very important and constant coaching needs to be address because of one very important entity – WE ARE HUMAN. This is also the beautiful part – that we can reach our highest potential when we act with clarity.


There is no right or wrong, I should be respectful of the fear and leave him to live it out since he is not coachable. I should accept the fact that not everyone is coachable unless they are ready. I have done many failed coaching just because on the passion to coach but the participants/clients are not serious about their life or they just want to test the coaching process. I have many successful coaching sessions too. When I compare the success factors, I realized that action and reaction play a major role in many of the issues faced by my participants. Some took action to be coach but not committed to themselves. Therefore, I will categorize them as reaction to coach because they think coaching can give them the miracle they wanted. They hope you can help them to reverse their life into a fairy tale without turbulence. It is painful to see this kind of thinking because coaches, most of them can see the potential of their clients clearly when the clients are transparent and honest. The successful one takes full responsibility of their decisions and take action. They will find ways to pave it towards their goal with coaching conversation. What coaches open up are the unspoken , unseen and unheard voices of the participants. It is an intimate conversation  relationship which creates the following situations .

1.      What happened just now?

2.      How come I did not see it?

3.      What can I do about it?


Opening the doors in the world of monkey mind is tough but always possible. Take action and do not rely on reaction to gain control of your act. The act to show the world , to show yourself that you can create values.


Look for a good coach and you will know what I mean.


For my profile, you can see me at



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