What is your success?


I have been attending so many courses that I thought I know everything. The best part of this is, I really do not know what I thought I know. Do I consider myself successful? What is your thought on this?


I certainly discover that in life, there are many ways to a solution. I have written an article about my friend’s fear of attending a dinner with me. I repented and the surprising part of it is he see the values of my unintentional response. Do I expect this? No. But I have been using coaching methods on many occasions and this jab just came spontaneously. Hey! I am only human. Anyway, the good news is that he did join us for the dinner and was pretty happy too. In fact, he was so relaxing  in that environment.  In these circumstances, I consider myself failed in addressing the spur of the moment response which might be rude or hurtful. On the other hand, my friend gain insight of life in pandemic is living the fear out. Or should I said he decided to leave the fear out when he already practicing all the needed SOP. The bonus of this outcome is we had a wonderful dinner out.


Ever since the coaching started, I am fully concentrated on creating this coaching culture. In many of my conversation, the methods of addressing an issue have been diverted to coaching methods. On certain occasions I can see the fear leaping from the cornea of their eyes. It is really scary but I know it makes them think very hard on what just happened. I can see them fidgeting with themselves – unconsciously. Others will be having anger thrown at me. All of this, I take it as a reward. What makes me say this? It means that I am hitting a cord. A cord they do not want to strum.


Now, take a moment and think. If you have someone who push you to be yourself, what will your response be? Some people will think that I am nuts to care so much with what they do because it is their life that they are playing with. As for me, I will pursue this because everyone has a network of people. The more they ignore their issues the more toxic their life will be. I am more concerned of the chain reaction by the said person. Each one can be of some values to others and that is what I am doing passionately when I coach. We need our environment to be peaceful and harmony. Only when this happen, the world will be a better place for the next generation and so on.


I also have my own selfish reason for doing this. I have a lovely daughter who turn 21 this year. I hope to see that she lives in an environment of challenges where coaching culture is the solution. I know that this is the best method for anyone to create a life building their passion. They will be able to explore with clarity and accept failure bravely. Simple request from a mother and a small act from me. I am passionate on coaching because I keep improving myself. By getting these values, I know I can help more people to achieve things that is beyond their reach. One very important ingredient is to find the one who really committed to themselves.


Are you one of those who knows your success factor(s) and are riding the storm to get it?

If not, there is always solutions when you see a problem. This is what my clients inform me. After his second coaching session with me, he told me that he loves problems. What makes him say this? He said that he knows that he will be able to get solution(s). It is such a wonderful feeling to see the wisdom shine through.


You too can have these. When you are ready , look for me or a coach who can walk with you on your journey through coaching conversation.


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