
Showing posts from April, 2023

Personal Breakthrough Program Coaching

  My name is Peggy Ang . I am a Personal Breakthrough Coach. I have been certified under IAC - International Association of Coaching and a NLP Practitioner. Coaching is the best way to educate ourselves into getting what we want.  They say that only people with expectation and high ambition seek a coach. This is because it helps them to achieve their goals with clarity and accuracy. Some also say that the fear of facing yourself becomes easier when you share it with people who are with you. Non judgmental hearing, seeing you as you are and feeling your emotions with empathy. Some says that companies are offering higher salaries to retain staff but still not getting any good quality. While others say that employees feel that their company does not appreciate their efforts. How to breach this gap? Coaching Breakthrough Program can be utilized towards this successful collaboration of all parties. When you are with them and looking for a coach, please contact me via WhatsApp +60123996326 f

What you seek in coaching.

  Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a leaner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance. This is the explanation from Wikipedia.   To a certain degree, this is accurate but the innovative way of coach assisting a client is more powerful than giving the answers. It helps the client to achieve specific goals by understanding without judgement. This is a profession that accompany their client towards solutions-based outcome.   Have you come across a time that you do not know what is the niggling feelings that is eating into you? You know you have the answers but it just not coming out. Or there were time when you are feeling very energetic and full of ides but it’s stuck inside your thoughts. Or when you have such a sensational ides but no one understand you.   Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you have engaged a coach?   A good coach does n

Coaches also need coaching

 Many people have not noticed that most of the profession are attached to a person. That person is an human being also. A surgeon cannot operate on himself no matter how professional he is. A teacher cannot teach herself on topic that is new to her. Therefore , it applies to coaches too.  As a coach, we need to be as human as possible. Be with the client(s) through their journey of growth. Some carry with them a baggage so heavy that the instant the sit with me, I am already overwhelmed. This is because like all good coaches, we stood by the client(s) state. When the client come to me, I will already have an idea of what is going to take place. But can I really know what will be the outcome? I can only say that , I am there to work with them to get the solutions that is suitable for them. Then again, do I always give them the solutions?  If you ask this question, it means you have not understand the function of a coach. You might ask, "then how can you be a good coach?". The

How resourceful are you?

Have you ever wonder what makes one more successful from one to another? I do. I keep having this thoughts, what I should do to ensure that my learning is always beneficial.  Do you know that you have been pushing yourself towards success if you use yourself to the maximun. It is all within your resources because the value that your unconscious mind have about 11 million b/p/s data  while conscious mind only process about 126 b/p/s data which is 7 plus minus 2 chunks of information. While your conscious mid only take 40 pieces per second. Awesome right? You are the power house of data sleeping or in other words being compressed and subdue into following. What caused this system to be under utilized? There are many studies pertaining to this and human beings are somehow missing out these information because certain forces in the world do not want too many people to be smarter than them. They want to control the human as much as possible. That is one of the reason why education remains e

A short story of Far.

Do you know when your life really began to take off for a smooth path? It is when you learn that you are a valuable human being. I like to tell you a story. There was this little girl in the village by the name of Far. She is so far from anyone who is close to her as her parents left her to work. She has no idea how far they go but there were that no communication is available. Remember those were the days where communication is about writing letters that might arrive one month later.  She was only 7 years old then. There were no one for her to go back to but thankfully she was enrolled to the school before her parents left. She goes to school as usual and she just survive. She does not know anything about what being a child means. She doesn’t know what it is like to have a family and she don't know what is needed to be a simple girl of 7 years old. God must be taking care of her somehow. She was staying in the area where drugs and brothels are the daily trade of that place. The mo


 I do not know when this happen to be an embarrassing situation for people. Since young, people have always told me that men cannot cry. However, you notice that most children especially boys are crying babies. Is it because their unconscious mind have been contaminated by such remarks. Having been automated with this kind of restrictions, the boys all bawling like nobody business even for small thing that happened to them. Girls on the other hand just watch because they know they can cry anytime anywhere. Anyone out there understand what cause this kind of remarks to take place and create a no cry zone for men? It is really pathetic that men are being push to a situation when they need to express their feelings, they are not given that right to do so. Who in the first place mooted the idea that when men cry, they are "sissy". I just google this word and it simply means a victim of circumstances because they are different. And in this era, everyone wants to be different right