Coaches also need coaching

 Many people have not noticed that most of the profession are attached to a person. That person is an human being also. A surgeon cannot operate on himself no matter how professional he is. A teacher cannot teach herself on topic that is new to her. Therefore , it applies to coaches too. 

As a coach, we need to be as human as possible. Be with the client(s) through their journey of growth. Some carry with them a baggage so heavy that the instant the sit with me, I am already overwhelmed. This is because like all good coaches, we stood by the client(s) state.

When the client come to me, I will already have an idea of what is going to take place. But can I really know what will be the outcome? I can only say that , I am there to work with them to get the solutions that is suitable for them. Then again, do I always give them the solutions?  If you ask this question, it means you have not understand the function of a coach.

You might ask, "then how can you be a good coach?". The answer is just this "as far as I am concern, the client's situation from the time s/he is progressing in the manner suitable for them and they can confidently move towards their goal purposefully, then I am a good coach". 

As a coach, I also have to deal with the ongoing matter beside coaching. Sometimes, when the client(s) are looking for solutions not within their means, it is my duty to bring to their attention that they have other resources to reach their goal. But how do I do this? Well! it's something you will know when you coach with me.

For me, it is a second by second learning. This type of learning is something that have to be experienced by me and I call this coaching. Therefore, if you are a coach and you need a listening ear then just connect with me,

The world is better because of there is another profession call coaching.


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