How resourceful are you?

Have you ever wonder what makes one more successful from one to another? I do. I keep having this thoughts, what I should do to ensure that my learning is always beneficial. 

Do you know that you have been pushing yourself towards success if you use yourself to the maximun.

It is all within your resources because the value that your unconscious mind have about 11 million b/p/s data  while conscious mind only process about 126 b/p/s data which is 7 plus minus 2 chunks of information. While your conscious mid only take 40 pieces per second.

Awesome right? You are the power house of data sleeping or in other words being compressed and subdue into following. What caused this system to be under utilized?

There are many studies pertaining to this and human beings are somehow missing out these information because certain forces in the world do not want too many people to be smarter than them. They want to control the human as much as possible. That is one of the reason why education remains education with result as the benchmark. This way, human being just chase after ego and reputation. They forgot that there are more values when they let go of these.

Are you one of those who wanted to be the best that society moon about in a mediocre little you. How much have you give up to chase after the recognition without passion? How many of you fear of letting go? This is what keep most people from advancing. Stay safe and stay obedient. The popular proverb of "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" - rooted many people to the stigma of safety and remove them further to their goal in life.

For those who have reached the age of freedom from responsibility, what have you in hand that is consider you? I do not mean your properties or your asset? What you really have that will bring you through your days with passion and energize each moment?

Age is a blessings which I also must say it is a taboo if I am jobless and homeless. But if you are doing what you love, you only need one thing "You at the best".

I am Peggy Ang - Personal Breakthrough Coach and also an NLP Practitioner. If you need a person to listen and assist you with your goal, contact me, Age is the value we always appreciate.

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Your Personal Breakthrough Coach


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