Personal Breakthrough Program Coaching

 My name is Peggy Ang . I am a Personal Breakthrough Coach. I have been certified under IAC - International Association of Coaching and a NLP Practitioner. Coaching is the best way to educate ourselves into getting what we want. 

They say that only people with expectation and high ambition seek a coach. This is because it helps them to achieve their goals with clarity and accuracy. Some also say that the fear of facing yourself becomes easier when you share it with people who are with you. Non judgmental hearing, seeing you as you are and feeling your emotions with empathy.

Some says that companies are offering higher salaries to retain staff but still not getting any good quality. While others say that employees feel that their company does not appreciate their efforts. How to breach this gap? Coaching Breakthrough Program can be utilized towards this successful collaboration of all parties.

When you are with them and looking for a coach, please contact me via WhatsApp +60123996326 for 1st session of interaction free of charge for 30-45minutes. Virtually done. After that , you can make your decision whether to buy into your own development or not. 

I only accept people who are self-initiated and self-maintained throughout the whole program. This will only be possible after the first session with me.

There are only 4 sessions for which I will assist you to find solutions. My Personal Breakthrough Program is listed below:-
1. Weight Management - when you are looking for your ideal weight.

2. Stop Smoking - when you will achieve your desired life without this.

3. Time management - Time is energy  which converts to $$.  Where to get the extra.

4. Self - development - Looking for a solution within your needs.

5. Work Life Balance - family  , career etc.

6. Don't know, unknown and do not know - removing of limiting decisions and negative emotion.

7. Looking for something - a time when you know you wanted something deep down but still searching? Yes. That's right. 

I am always ready to hold your hands in this journey of the unknown. The question is are you ready to face yourself bravely?
                                                                        I am here for you to get your solutions


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