I do not know when this happen to be an embarrassing situation for people. Since young, people have always told me that men cannot cry. However, you notice that most children especially boys are crying babies. Is it because their unconscious mind have been contaminated by such remarks. Having been automated with this kind of restrictions, the boys all bawling like nobody business even for small thing that happened to them. Girls on the other hand just watch because they know they can cry anytime anywhere.

Anyone out there understand what cause this kind of remarks to take place and create a no cry zone for men? It is really pathetic that men are being push to a situation when they need to express their feelings, they are not given that right to do so. Who in the first place mooted the idea that when men cry, they are "sissy". I just google this word and it simply means a victim of circumstances because they are different. And in this era, everyone wants to be different right? Therefore, what caused this kind of mentality to be existing till now?

Crying is a form of release of emotion. It allows one person to express and release to the maximum so that it is not overwhelming. It can happen in sadness, and it can also happen on happy occasions.

An extract from Wikipedia

The act of crying has been defined as "a complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures", instead, giving a relief which protects from conjunctivitis.[

It is just another method of people having a relief being express.

In future, please be kind - give space for people to cry and respect them for their guts. For crying out loud - let the men cry when they must.


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