One world, different clouds.

 Interesting on how people view things from different background of teaching. I said teaching because, most of us are taught to think. Of late, I began to realized that many people are thinking on the same line and feel that nothing new to learn from anymore. When one incident happened, the whole nation goes into chaos because another country is doing something about it. I think many will just follow because do not want to look stupid. Do you think it is right or wrong?

You could be wondering where I am going with this article after my inconsistent of posting. My sincere apology because I gave my lap top a holiday when I am on holiday. I just happened to borrow some time with my daughter's laptop and decided to write. Anyway, I was very curious about how I live my life before. This is an enlightening time for me as I just celebrated my daughter's 21st birthday. In other words, I can fully trust her to manage her life with wisdom because it is her to own. This nostalgia time brings back sweet and sour feeling. I have to revisit my past to enjoy the fruit of my struggle. Precious past.

One world, different clouds - my title for this is to recall that each step my daughter took is in some way similar to mine. We are similar in the beginning except the process is totally different for both of us. Her only advantage is that I am here if she needed anything. However, glad to know that she did not need anything from me. This is a very new feeling. To let go of a child which I have always protect under my wings. It took me some time to adjust that she has a life of her own. A life she designed very well without our family support. I am proud of her success that she managed to travel all the way from Malaysia to The Netherlands for the first time and still comfortably settled in a good environment suitable for her education.

Now, the mummy part of me is where I must adjust. When I arrived, I have to adjust to the time and also the busy schedule that she has which I cannot fit in. I am left with plenty of time to roam the city on my own. Taking the tour alone gives me a freshness of freedom. Freedom to do what I like. I just noticed that I forgot to be myself for a long time. I am still searching for my new hobbies since I have so much time to explore.

It is like cycling. I know how to cycle but when I am cycling in The Netherland, it all become a new experience again. I have to learn to use the leg brakes and cycle on the right. It is really tough and after doing it for a few days, I give up. I value my life more than challenging the cycling path. Walking is healthier and easier. But.... I will appreciate the time I go cycling when I am back home instead of taking that for granted.

Therefore, I am learning to live my life as my own again. Pretty exciting right? I have time to reflect on what I did that give me this life of abundance. A lot of sacrifice and painful journey. Some mistakes that cannot be undone while each taught me a lesson or two. Everything has a cause and effect. Is your life offering you any bonuses like mine?

If you are hitting the wall now, think about what will be the best outcome you can get once you overcome this barrier. The fruit is always sweeter.

Nevertheless, I am getting a lot of value by coaching people into their own journey with choices that they make with clarity. With the coaching conversation, there never seems to be any obstacles that stop us from having a good life. I wish more people wake up to the fact that life is always in our own control. We will only know the result maybe in years to come or maybe never but at the time of decisions, everything is always very clear.


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