
Showing posts from March, 2023

Miscommunication is also communication

 How often were you caught in a situation where what you have said seems to come out wrong? I kept asking myself, is it so difficult for me to translate my message? Did I miscommunicated or it just that they are listening,  feeling or seeing from their point of view instead of the real issues. I am like that,  and I just found my mirror. Things must be change for the better. And then I discover from my NLP Practitioner course that none of this happened. It is just a miscommunication on all. Not in words but in the representation of the words. This open up a whole flood of understanding when I rethink about what causes people to be piss off by certain situation. I must admit, I love to talk and love to motivate. This is because I just love people and love the way things are interacted. I make decisions very fast therefore I make a lot of mistakes and jump into many unwanted situations. Lots of heartache towards building my businesses and liaising with people.  Thankfully, things have a

What is your life all about?

When you wake up in the morning, how often do you give thanks that you are breathing healthily? How often are you in the state of gratitude? How much joy you have to open that lovely sight to the world?  If one day, you are not able to do all of the above can you imagine what it is like?One of my friends have been shuttling in and out of hospital for the past one mont or so. She does not really know what will come next because she is without anyone except friends like us. She also does not have the finances to support her medical bills which is exorbitant.  It's really traumatic for her. While other schoolmates just left us after battling with illness.  Life is so fragile so what will you do for yourself? Which remind me to ask you to double check your insurance coverage. The medical bills can kill you before the rest of the thing does. Life is such a unique experience. When you are facing the toughest phase of your life, you always feel like nobody is there for you right? Ya, that

Are other people your mirror?

When the day of #Everything, Everywhere all At Once burst into the screen with the Michelle Yeoh wining the Best Actress Oscar Award.  Many of us have done a lot of things or so we thought that can "Hope" to bring to where we want to be. In other words, we think that by being just that we can be successful. Well! some of us do while others are always left in the disappointing situation.  Then they will blame the stars and the moon or anything that crosses their path.  The common sentences you heard only whenever something went wrong and its always other people faults. Amazing right? Now, one question for you. Where are you in the entire situation? What is your role in this whole scene? What is the different if you have view it to be something of a learning? Like my two experiences during my breakfast time a few weeks ago. I saw a couple with two kids and the parents diligently taking extra care of their children at the corner of my eyes.  Lie an AI , the parents is a perfect


  A simple word which is mouthed by many people. It sounded easy. It is indeed easy too if you understand the real purpose of this word. When the pandemic struck mother earth and humanity, the majority of people were having a mental diarrhea. Some went into depression and the hardworking ones found innovation as solutions. People started to pivot to digital everything while others keep believing that this is just a horror story. While many is sitting on a situation of belief. They believe that this is just a phase which will recovers life Sars, War etc. They refused to accept that the impact is real. After more than two years, those people are stuck while others move ahead steadily. You saw who is the winner now? Most of us realize that we cannot wait for miracle but make miracle happen. Those who worked harder, stay innovative and keep adjusting are the ones that are rising in their developments. This is an article I plucked during my search for millionaires and see what I found. Worl

Because You Can.

  You must be wondering what is the reason for people not to have consistency? Yes, this is also my question to myself. When I started to write on my blog, I was greedy enough to think that I can do everything everywhere all at once.  You got it right?  Then my journey begins. I was in search of something bigger than me outside of me. I spend years thinking that if I study enough, research extensively and then do all I can then I will see what I want. Do you think so? Every lesson that I took is painstakingly building up in many ways from Grammar to Metaphysic and then back to basic and I thought I have finally found the answer to what I want in life. Let me share or in other words reshare my story with you. I always feel that I am not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough or worst not clean enough. What is the reason for this? It is because at the age of around 8, I was sexually abused by a relative. He is a giant of a man, and I am just a tiny little girl without anyone pr