Miscommunication is also communication

 How often were you caught in a situation where what you have said seems to come out wrong? I kept asking myself, is it so difficult for me to translate my message? Did I miscommunicated or it just that they are listening, feeling or seeing from their point of view instead of the real issues. I am like that, and I just found my mirror. Things must be change for the better.

And then I discover from my NLP Practitioner course that none of this happened. It is just a miscommunication on all. Not in words but in the representation of the words.

This open up a whole flood of understanding when I rethink about what causes people to be piss off by certain situation.

I must admit, I love to talk and love to motivate. This is because I just love people and love the way things are interacted. I make decisions very fast therefore I make a lot of mistakes and jump into many unwanted situations. Lots of heartache towards building my businesses and liaising with people. 

Thankfully, things have a turn around when I was diverted to coaching course instead of Train The Trainer (TTT) course. It is indeed and eye-opening experience. From being put in the spot for having to be the one who supposed to know everything, I become the person who unlearn everything and relearned things.

I love coaching because I can do self-coach which is very powerful and also, I can face my own devil.

The world is full of goodies. One just need to start looking for it within themselves. In our culture, it is a taboo to give advice to elders (Well! In my family this is the case) therefore I have to use myself as an example. Open up the wound of imperfections and failures. There is still a long road to recovery. How can you remove a hate that is embedded so deep that even the excavator cannot reach? I have to melt it down and take time in mending the thoughts.

Like they say, it's not good to keep grudge but people don't know how to let go. Most people think that they become stronger when the have this strong grudge within themselves without noticing that they kill themselves before they even kill anything else. Miscommunication again with within. 

Therefore, for those who have dreams, rethink about your life. Make it so beautiful that even the enemy (If you have one) will admire and respect you. Only by doing this you are giving yourself a value of pride and a place of respect. Communicate this with passion.

Wishing you many wonderful experiences in communicating effectively to avoid miscommunication especially within yourself.


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