
 A simple word which is mouthed by many people. It sounded easy. It is indeed easy too if you understand the real purpose of this word.

When the pandemic struck mother earth and humanity, the majority of people were having a mental diarrhea. Some went into depression and the hardworking ones found innovation as solutions. People started to pivot to digital everything while others keep believing that this is just a horror story. While many is sitting on a situation of belief. They believe that this is just a phase which will recovers life Sars, War etc. They refused to accept that the impact is real. After more than two years, those people are stuck while others move ahead steadily.

You saw who is the winner now? Most of us realize that we cannot wait for miracle but make miracle happen. Those who worked harder, stay innovative and keep adjusting are the ones that are rising in their developments. This is an article I plucked during my search for millionaires and see what I found.

World gained 5.2m millionaires last year in Covid crisis – this news was in June 2021. Now the number is increasing faster than you can count 1,2,3.

For those who are associating closely with the yoyo situation and the aftermath of the pandemic, you will definitely find it interesting. You want the good news? The good news is you can be the next millionaires too.

Therefore, what did these successful people do? They obviously are doing things that they have full concentration on. It means they seek clarity, focus and act. Then you might say "Well! I did this but why am I still struggling?". From my experiences with hundreds of zoom courses, one thing for sure is that the new normal will keep being new. Change is constant change.

The solution is always out there in the market. The only obstacle is the decision maker. Some are innocently thinking that not changing is going to benefit them. Well! In some cases, it is true but at this point of writing, I cannot think of one industry that can remain untouched. Can you? Please share.

Others will be chasing after change without knowing what they are changing for except "People change, so I must change" kind of attitude.

Looking back on these kinds of situations, what do you think is the best solution? What exactly is the reason for people to lose focus in life?

As for me, I spend a lot of time evaluating situations. Select and change. This is an ongoing process. I believe many people like me who think they can do a lot of things within a short time when we can expertly handle all the new innovation. However, this is very far from the truth. Many people get entangled inside social media and lose the little achievement that they gain because they lose out on their purpose in doing so.

Do not fret. The success belongs to those who keep learning from their mistakes and keep changing towards a focus direction. Are you one of them?

One question that I encourage you to think about at all times is "What will keep you locked into that direction of success?". If you do not know the answer then I encourage you to look for coaching services. Look for one person who look into your heart and tell you what you are seeing.

The best thing that ever happen is that you have everything if you know how to use your anything.

Good luck.


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