Are other people your mirror?

When the day of #Everything, Everywhere all At Once burst into the screen with the Michelle Yeoh wining the Best Actress Oscar Award. 

Many of us have done a lot of things or so we thought that can "Hope" to bring to where we want to be. In other words, we think that by being just that we can be successful. Well! some of us do while others are always left in the disappointing situation.  Then they will blame the stars and the moon or anything that crosses their path. 

The common sentences you heard only whenever something went wrong and its always other people faults. Amazing right? Now, one question for you. Where are you in the entire situation? What is your role in this whole scene? What is the different if you have view it to be something of a learning?

Like my two experiences during my breakfast time a few weeks ago. I saw a couple with two kids and the parents diligently taking extra care of their children at the corner of my eyes.  Lie an AI , the parents is a perfect fit because they did everything possibly they can to ensure the children comfort. The comfort in the individual domain. The SOP is, the  father taking of the eldest son and the mother taking care of the youngest son. The breakfast conversation between the order taker is 10 times more than the conversation between both the parents. The only time they speak to each other is when the wife asked for the key to the car. No thank you, not even a word of "please give me the car key" , it just "Key". The children are not chit chatting with each other either. They gave me a feeling of AI managing home. The children are given the handphone to watch their own favorite program. What happened to sharing? What happened to common interest as a family? What happened to the curtesy between husband and wife. What will this show to the children? Children are the beauty of the world. They pick up things and just adapt it because they do not know what is needed except that they trust their parents. .

 As I walk out of that shop, another family sitting right beside the entrance and there are three of them. The husband and wife with a kid. They were all fire up with excitement about a normal conversation. The kid also participates by being attentive to her parent's conversation and you can feel the warm that radiate from that union.

What is it that you see that can make any difference to you? 

The statement that people close to you is your own mirror. Actually, it is perfectly accurate to say you are the product of environment, what you see is what you are. Take some time to evaluate this statement and then think where it hits you. If you hate, then hate will follow you. If you love, love will follow you.  It does not hurt to be nice because it will come back to you. What is the lesson here then? I am also learning from this experience even though my kid is already a lady.  

What did you learn here?

As for me, I will suggest that parents learn first to be human before being parents. Parents should give their children the joy of being children. Does this make sense to you? If not, share your experiences.


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