What is your life all about?

When you wake up in the morning, how often do you give thanks that you are breathing healthily? How often are you in the state of gratitude? How much joy you have to open that lovely sight to the world? 

If one day, you are not able to do all of the above can you imagine what it is like?One of my friends have been shuttling in and out of hospital for the past one mont or so. She does not really know what will come next because she is without anyone except friends like us. She also does not have the finances to support her medical bills which is exorbitant.  It's really traumatic for her. While other schoolmates just left us after battling with illness.  Life is so fragile so what will you do for yourself? Which remind me to ask you to double check your insurance coverage. The medical bills can kill you before the rest of the thing does.

Life is such a unique experience. When you are facing the toughest phase of your life, you always feel like nobody is there for you right? Ya, that was also how I felt before I embark on the coaching journey. For me coaching is just a steppingstone towards clarity and achieving specific goals. I know there are bigger things waiting for me to explore. Therefore, I go to the roots of my failure so that I can guide more people towards the path of success. Is it easy? If you are really aware of what you want, the toughest journey gives you the best result. You will know what I mean when you have qualified yourself as learning to achieve success.

Many times, one failed to take the step ahead of them because of one thing that I will brand it as fear. Me too. I have been there and done that too. Am I fearless now? No. I just know how to re-bounce to accept that if I want to succeed, I have to overcome fear. How do I overcome fear then? It's another method taught in NLP Practitioner Course. It's just a few minutes session and everything will be in order. But the process of getting rid of these limiting beliefs are the toughest part of anyone's life. How you find congruency within your life journey?

Let's say that you are so excited to travel to a place that is foreign to you, and you are traveling alone for the first time. What you think will be the main answers from your family or friends? They will first envy you then they will be discussing about how dangerous it is to travel and what you should do. The best part is none of them ever took this kind of adventure before. However, the seeds of fear will start to creep up if you are not strong enough. Only people with a clear vision will understand what it is like. So which category are you from? The fearful on or the fearless one? Remember ya, I mentioned fearless which must come with certain require skills and wisdom. Not kamakazi fearless type of indication.

Mmmmmm..........time for me to look into some exciting solo adventure. 


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