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 One of the IAC code of ethics: - 3.06 Terminating the Coaching Relationship. Coaches agree to terminate a coaching relationship when it becomes clear that the client is no longer gaining benefit (or is being harmed) from the coaching relationship. In terminating the relationship, coaches will suggest alternatives or provide referrals to coaches or other professional services when appropriate. I am a coach to help you unlock your potential and ensure the growth that you want. But are you genuine in change? In my Personal Breakthrough Coaching, I adhere to the real development that goes beyond monetary exchange. It is about commitment, responsibility and unwavering dedication to your own growth.  I will work with you in achieving your goals and beyond. However, this needs to be in a certain mindset which you MUST have. you are willing to be accountable for your actions. you are ready to take the promised actions. you are fully committed to the coaching process. you genuinely appreciate

Three simple steps for life.

  This is my thought, and it is interesting to see how many people actually noticed that we all are the same. Agree or disagree, we are all on the same energy line. This is how my system works and how my mindset is flowing through. It seems like you're sharing a motivational message and a philosophy for personal responsibility and success. Let me break down your just one simple point. We are all functioning through an addition and multiplication mode. Our whole processing system only knows how to do this. Imagine, when you are angry how did the intensity increase that you forgot your values? Now, imagine again. If you are happy, at this moment how much happier and more joyful you are that you do not even have space to be angry? Just to address these issues , you can like me do the following  instantly: - Just three little steps. Reflect on the situation. What have you learned because this will take you to a place of learning. Action - decide how you want to tackle this situ

Who need rest? You and who else?

When I was doing all the needed to cure any situations, I faced with tiredness too. Why? Because I am a human first then I am myself before I am who I wanted to show the world. The most experienced and capable coach that you want to hire. This bring me to this topic and honestly, I asked ChatGPT and added my own thoughts into this. Resting is crucial for one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some ways in which resting can help: Physical Recovery : Resting allows your body to recover and repair itself. During rest, your muscles can heal from exercise or injury, and your immune system becomes more effective at fighting off illness. It also helps regulate hormones, which is essential for overall health. This is also one of the reasons why you have muscle ache after a strainest exercise to build your muscles. Continuous exercise helps you to grow but you must give them the time to do so. Energy Renewal : Resting, especially through quality sleep, recharges your ene


 This is a summary that is useful for those who are unsure about the process and who it is for. These masteries are copied and simplified by me for common knowledge. I have use "I' as these are the process I use to assist my clients to achieve their successes in life.  Coaches go through tremendous amount of breakthrough in order to be at their best for their clients. It is also through this kind of process that they can help you to discover what you wanted.  Therefore please give everyone who coached you a chance to help yourself including me.  2. Perceiving, affirming and expanding the client’s potential.  There are time the client are unable to see their own values in life. They just flow along the road and doing what they think best even though they know that they are better than what meets the eyes. This is the part we deep dive into that value(s)helps. Definition  Recognizes and help the client acknowledge and appreciate his or her strengths and potential. Everyone needs


 Many people are wondering how coaching can help individual to achieve their goals. How it is possible to bring one from the lowest state of mind to the best of their mind? How to overcome barriers and many more. As a coach, I believe in the journey of collaboration. Between you and the coach first then a journey within the inner path. It is not spiritual but it is like activating the AI in you. You have everything possible to achieve whatever you aim to achieve, you just needed a tool. This is what I call "THE COACHING JOURNEY" I am sharing the IAC Masteries for your understanding that it is not purely for people who are in trouble or who are problematic. It is for people who are wanting more than what they have. It is for people who know they have all those values that needed explorations to give birth to their own world. It is also a search engine for inner values extractions. Today I will start with IAC Masteries Number 1 - 1. Establishing and maintaining a relationship o

What is rapport building?

 In a world that is full of possibilities, many people think that they are the possibilities. This is a good sign of advancement. However, how many people really dive into the possibilities to extract the value that they wanted? Here are some places where rapport have to start:- Your tools - a. smiling face b. a good sounding questions start with the easiest thing around you c. listen with joy. Scenario 1: Dialogue with Family You, the protagonist, are speaking to your younger sister, Sarah, who just started high school. You: Hey, Sarah! How was your first day of high school? Sarah: It was okay, I guess. I don't know anyone there. You: Don't worry, you'll make friends in no time. Remember, I was nervous when I started too. If you ever need help with anything, just let me know. Sarah: Thanks, that makes me feel better. Scenario 2: Dialogue with Team You're a project manager in a creative agency talking to your design team about a new client project. You: Team, I'm re

What is the reason you need a coach like me.

 **Your coach Portfolio: Cultivating a Coaching Culture and Embracing Life's Journey** *Introduction:* Welcome to my portfolio, where I proudly share my journey, passion, and commitment to making a difference in our community and beyond. I firmly believe that time is our most valuable investment, and my mission revolves around cultivating a coaching culture, nurturing inner values, and promoting acceptance of a topic often avoided - death. Join me on this transformative journey as I bridge the gap between the inner self, the outer self, and the external environment. **Investing Time in Society:** In my eyes, time is not just a fleeting resource; it's an investment in our society's growth and well-being. My dedication to the betterment of our community drives me to channel my efforts into fostering a coaching culture. Through coaching, I aim to empower individuals to reach their full potential, unlocking a life full of possibilities. It's not about material wealth but th

Congruence of Mind and Heart

 Many years ago, I did not think so much but just moved ahead in what I believed was my ability to achieve. That has helped me to a certain level. As time passes, the need to upgrade must come in to support my growth. The journey begins for this search but sustainability is the biggest obstacle faced by me. My inner obstacles. What makes me work harder than ever is that many of you out there have the same as mine. This effort is not only for me, it is also my present for those who understand this need to keep upgrading and our families. Someone has to take the lead. If not you and me then who? Where do we start then? Let's begin with the end in mind. It's the congruence between the heart and mind that can help us achieve this possibility. My previous sharing about revenge has diverted towards solutions. Upon seeking the solutions, I came across the steps that can make us change our choices in life. How to make a profit out of revenge in the mindset and heart? How do both agree