This is a summary that is useful for those who are unsure about the process and who it is for. These masteries are copied and simplified by me for common knowledge. I have use "I' as these are the process I use to assist my clients to achieve their successes in life. 

Coaches go through tremendous amount of breakthrough in order to be at their best for their clients. It is also through this kind of process that they can help you to discover what you wanted. 

Therefore please give everyone who coached you a chance to help yourself including me. 

2. Perceiving, affirming and expanding the client’s potential.  There are time the client are unable to see their own values in life. They just flow along the road and doing what they think best even though they know that they are better than what meets the eyes. This is the part we deep dive into that value(s)helps.


Recognizes and help the client acknowledge and appreciate his or her strengths and potential. Everyone needs some kind of motivation to affirm their belief. Most of the time beliefs come from everywhere and everyone else but not themselves. This will give client a reason to calmly accept their own values and take charge of it.


1. The client has a greater appreciation of personal capabilities and potential. This happen when the client see what they have in their conscious mind is not the full picture of the situations. It is just something that was filtered along the way and it is not the full values.

2. The client is more willing to take actions beyond current paradigms or strategies. Clarity will help the client understand their own strength and empower them to take actions.

Key Elements

1. Listen with empathy therefore the client are always calm and focus.

2. Recognizing a wider range of possibilities- the coach and the client will work together in search of what is their main objective. Most of the time, the topic which client wanted is just the surface needs because s/he does not know how to translate that feelings and emotions into words.  

3. Encouraging and empowering the client. With that, client will have the will power to move ahead but a coach needs to anchor on s/he intention and then reinforce s/he commitment.

 4. Challenging limiting beliefs. This are the unspoken so call truth that they believe. These kind of beliefs was cemented by the daily activities. Think of one of your limiting belief and evaluate it . Is it really who you are?

5. Recognizing strengths of client and awareness of where strengths support personal and organizational goals (where appropriate). Again clarity in the coaching conversation show client that they can achieve what they wanted but they are the one who need to make this choices.

It is never easy for people to open up to coaching because it is a common myth that coaching is for people who are in trouble. The fact is these are some common characteristics that show and proven coaching is the tools for success.

  • Adapting behavior
  • Changing careers
  • Developing skills
  • Improving job performance
  • Increasing positivity
  • Problem-solving techniques
  • Setting goals
  • Receiving a promotion

Remember, you always have a choice. What is your thought now?

If you need to find out more, feel free to email me at for a 15minutes free chat on Color your life through conversation with Coach Peggy Ang.


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