What is the reason you need a coach like me.

 **Your coach Portfolio: Cultivating a Coaching Culture and Embracing Life's Journey**


Welcome to my portfolio, where I proudly share my journey, passion, and commitment to making a difference in our community and beyond. I firmly believe that time is our most valuable investment, and my mission revolves around cultivating a coaching culture, nurturing inner values, and promoting acceptance of a topic often avoided - death. Join me on this transformative journey as I bridge the gap between the inner self, the outer self, and the external environment.

**Investing Time in Society:**

In my eyes, time is not just a fleeting resource; it's an investment in our society's growth and well-being. My dedication to the betterment of our community drives me to channel my efforts into fostering a coaching culture. Through coaching, I aim to empower individuals to reach their full potential, unlocking a life full of possibilities. It's not about material wealth but the inner values that truly define a successful life.

**Embracing the Journey of Life:**

Between the bookends of birth and death lies a significant aspect - the journey of life, which I symbolize as 'J.' This journey is where we find our purpose, learn, grow, and make meaningful connections. It is my firm belief that by guiding individuals through this journey, we can uncover their true potential and help them lead more fulfilling lives.

**Championing the Acceptance of Death:**

Death is a subject often shrouded in taboo, particularly within my community. My work extends to coaching people into accepting death as a natural part of life. By addressing this often-avoided topic, we can find solace, clarity, and a greater appreciation for the time we have.

**Building the Bridge of Communication:**

To achieve these goals, I am committed to building a bridge of communication that spans three critical levels:

1. **Inner Self (Unconscious Mind):** Understanding and harnessing the power of our unconscious mind is key to personal growth. Through coaching, I help individuals tap into their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and develop a deeper sense of self-awareness.

2. **Outer Self (Conscious Mind):** Our conscious mind plays a significant role in our daily choices and actions. By coaching individuals to align their conscious thoughts and actions with their inner values, we create a pathway to a more purposeful life.

3. **External Environment:** Our surroundings have a profound impact on our well-being. By coaching individuals to navigate and influence their external environment positively, we empower them to create the conditions for success and happiness.


This portfolio is a testament to my commitment to making a meaningful impact on individuals and society as a whole. Through the cultivation of a coaching culture, embracing life's journey, and championing the acceptance of death, I aspire to help people lead richer, more purposeful lives. Time is indeed a precious investment, and I am dedicated to investing it wisely in the betterment of our community and beyond. Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey, and together, we can create a brighter future.

Scan QR or send to peggyangprivate@outlook.com

Please send your request for coaching conversation via above link for an appointment with me.

What you need to do is:-

1. give me the name that you wanted to be address in.

2. your intention for this 15 minutes zoom meeting

3. your curiosity of your own life.

What I do not need:-

1. your phone number or ID number

2. who you are important to.

This 15-minute zoom meeting is purely for those who have the need to expand your own experiences and be able to use that as their path towards advancement in their life. It is not a free coaching session for everyone.

If I am the one for you, get in touch.

Take care


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