One of the IAC code of ethics: -

  1. 3.06 Terminating the Coaching Relationship.
    1. Coaches agree to terminate a coaching relationship when it becomes clear that the client is no longer gaining benefit (or is being harmed) from the coaching relationship. In terminating the relationship, coaches will suggest alternatives or provide referrals to coaches or other professional services when appropriate.

I am a coach to help you unlock your potential and ensure the growth that you want. But are you genuine in change?

In my Personal Breakthrough Coaching, I adhere to the real development that goes beyond monetary exchange. It is about commitment, responsibility and unwavering dedication to your own growth.  I will work with you in achieving your goals and beyond. However, this needs to be in a certain mindset which you MUST have.

  • you are willing to be accountable for your actions.
  • you are ready to take the promised actions.
  • you are fully committed to the coaching process.
  • you genuinely appreciate your values.
  • you are committed to the unvarnished truth about your life.

If this is you, then you are in the right place.

I am not just any coach; I am a stewardess of your transformation. I will not compromise your success, and I will terminate contracts when necessary to uphold the integrity of the coaching process.

My commitment to your life journey is as strong as your commitment to yourself.

Hope you are ready to embark on this profound journey. Contact me for your first 15-minute coaching conversation. Send your request by filling up this form


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