Congruence of Mind and Heart

 Many years ago, I did not think so much but just moved ahead in what I believed was my ability to achieve. That has helped me to a certain level. As time passes, the need to upgrade must come in to support my growth.

The journey begins for this search but sustainability is the biggest obstacle faced by me. My inner obstacles. What makes me work harder than ever is that many of you out there have the same as mine. This effort is not only for me, it is also my present for those who understand this need to keep upgrading and our families. Someone has to take the lead. If not you and me then who?

Where do we start then? Let's begin with the end in mind. It's the congruence between the heart and mind that can help us achieve this possibility.

My previous sharing about revenge has diverted towards solutions. Upon seeking the solutions, I came across the steps that can make us change our choices in life. How to make a profit out of revenge in the mindset and heart? How do both agree in all aspects of life?

Let's begin and I hope you notice the values you get when you decide to accept. When you decided to move on bravely.

1.  Self-awareness 

     Begin by searching internally. Find out what is your own values, desires, and priorities.

2.  Authenticity

    Be honest with yourself. What you want and who you need to be are two different parts of your life.       you are doing everything to fit into your daily modus operandi as a responsible person but what are         your responsibility towards your own happiness? 

3. Intention.

    Set your intention clear. What you have as an answer in authenticity should have given you that              internal needs to search further.

4. Mindfulness

    Do you believe in death as in birth? If yes, then you already know that you are the one making                a decision for death. Make a conscious note of this every moment you find it pops up.

5. Integrity

    Keep your values and principles even when you are faced with any challenges and temptations.              Consistency is key to this advancement towards your life.

6. Self-compassion

    This is crucial. Many people keep stabbing themselves over and over. Each time the intensity                 becomes stronger. Act kind to yourself and forgive yourself. Each mistake builds your staircase to            success.

7. Balance

    Make your life a balance between spirit, health and your core values.

8.  Gratitude

     Have a habit of expressing gratitude towards life. You can and you will when you reflect on how far       you have gone. Even if you failed at this moment, you can sign your own guarantee of the future in         the best way possible. Do you know why? It's because you found yourself.

9. Empathy

    Having empathy gives you the key to understanding the situation and seek clarity in the calamity of        life. If being at the other people's shoes is not your style then just observe. Make decisions when you      have it clearly presented in the way needed.

10. Reflect and adjust

      When you are out of radar, do the best you can. Realign back by reflecting and adjusting to life               situation. Give yourself a chance to pivot back to a life that you want and a life than you can                   achieve.

Consciously you observe and move ahead strongly. Hold on to your principles and values and keep fostering your heart and mind so that it is all helping you to work towards the same goal.

I will keep working the best in ensuring I can share more valuable information and hope when you grow, please help me "Grow others too".




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