Revenge! Is this Richness of your LIFE?

Revenge is the act of one inflicting or harming another who might have wronged them in the past. The desire to take revenge comes from a positive intention of getting justice for one but the act of revenge is totally a negative act and causes more harm than good. Two wrongs done make a right.

The focal point of revenge branches into the following category.


1.    Intent: - An act that is fully in control of the doer with the intention to hurt and harm only.


2.    Negative emotion: - life is hard enough without positive emotion, when you add negative emotion, your life becomes tougher. Health becomes worse. Even your facial expressions become toxic.


3.    Retribution: You just wanted an answer to satisfy your own ego. If this is always other people's fault, who is the one giving them this right? THINK!


4.    Cyclical Nature: Revenge is cyclical nature. Your revengeful act will not have any ending. In the end, you are just looping and looping. The hurt will remain and the issues will never settle.


5.    Emotional Toll: Seeking revenge is so tiring for one who is just doing it out of anger or ego. It is all concentrating on the past. You forgot about the fact that you can never change the past. In the same instances, you lose your future.


Do you still want revenge? Is this your life or is this your prison?


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