What have you taken for granted?

 Monkey see, monkey do.

Many people use this sentence but failed to notice that they themselves are an example to the people around them. This is because I was also one of the monkeys until I started to pay attention with clarity on all my actions and speech.

Let me tell you a story. This is the story between my grandniece and her teacher.

Teacher: What is the taste of apples?

My grandniece: it is salty.

Teacher: was shocked.

Then the teacher was curious and asked her parents thinking that my grandniece could have some confusion in taste. 

Do you know why? It is because her grandma always soaks the apples in salt water before letting them consume the apples.

You see. this is what happened. When a good intention changes the nature of anything. 

Therefore, if you come across any disagreements - always get the story from the horse's mouth.


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