Richness in Communication

Sources indicated that communication dated back as far as 500,000 BCE while some indicated that it is about 100,000 BCE. The evolution on communication is happening every zeptosecond. Big word that causes no meaning to us. But this is what makes life memorable.  A small word can change the whole situation.

Then what does communication means? There are four types of Communcation which is known to us.
1. Verbal - different languages have different understanding of certain words and the tone of them too. It is pretty difficult to imagine this, but I will use a common joke that is used locally.
   When a woman tells you that they don't mind. Do your really think they don't mind? Then think again. 

2. Nonverbal. This is a very powerful weapon. Close your eyes now. Imagine your mother's expression when you are out of line in public. Ya! That's right. You got this.

3. Visual- By looking at things, you can speak millions of words without uttering any words. Take a look at people you like and people you dislike. Look at the eyes and see the emotions behind each smile.

4. Written communication. If written words can really give meaning to one then you are definitely a good writer. Even in the midst of preparing this blog, I am not sure you really get the meaning behind the written blog. I am doing my best and hope you do the same too when you write anything that needs resolutions. If you have a knack for writing powerful messages even to your enemy, then you have won a war without weapon.

Do you know that these can cause a lot of situations?  It can break or make a person into something totally out of their own character.

I am sure in this era, you have read or heard things that are unreal, but you believe. So, what do you gain from this? Do you think it is knowledge of the thing that might not be of any use to you, but you participated anyway. This is the gig economy era; everyone is using communication to slice into a market. Some words are used by the keyboard warrior to agitate more intense emotion. I am not saying all keyboard warriors are bad, they did what they think at that time which deem positive to them. For the reader, if you do not use your wisdom then you are too the cause for all the results. This is frequently used to hoax public about death of anyone.

In the future, when you come across anything toxic then you should have the ability to reevaluate the situation. You just need to google sources from the internet. If you really do not have solid evidence of the situation, then what can you do?

Previously, I wrote about Richness in Solutions. The solutions are for revengeful emotion. Communication can be the cause; it can also be the remedy. Think, Think and Think. This is to save you from hurting yourself,

Always remember, coaching gives clarity. If you know how to do this, then you will find the solutions in communication is also powerful in your conversation.


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