Forgiveness is RICH.

 The funny part of life is mistakes happen when you are too careful. Am I right to say this? In my path to share and encourage growth, I need to face a lot of challenges. Thankfully, revenge is not one of them. 

I learned forgiveness in hate. Surprised? Don't be. It is what you know that hurts you when you do not discover the root cause of that issue.

If you are reading this, it means that you have gone through my article on "Solutions is RICH".

Let's see what is there in forgiveness.

1.     Release of Negative Emotions

The art of forgiveness is like opening a door to life. It allows you to let go of all the negative emotions and fill them up with compassion. You can then free yourself from the extra baggage that does not have any purpose.

2.     Healing and Emotional well-being

Emotional healing is crucial to mental health. How do take survive when you are sick with hate and revengeful thoughts? You only will cause yourself more harm. If those who harm you are evil, you just give them another bonus. Forgive yourself for even thinking about revenge.

3.     Restoration of Inner Peace

Many people only find time to restore inner peace when they have a big blow from something bad or evil. This is the time to forgive and look in as you will definitely find the solutions are within your reach.

4.     Empowerment

Forgiveness is a choice. When you start to forgive, you will only see the beauty of your power. When you are hold on by revenge, you just handed your happiness like a remote control to your enemy. Think about this properly.

5.     Improved relationship

Revenge creates its own evil. It will grow into your mindset and jeopardize your relationship with those who love and care for you. This is because of the energy that you are emitting. You will always be in pain and people who are important in your life might leave you. So you better wake up and learn the art of forgiveness.

6.     Promotes Compassion and understanding

Forgiving someone takes a lot of guts and compassion. In order for you to achieve this status, you need to be wise. Find out the root cause and evaluate it. Are you sure that you are not the cause?

7.     Personal Growth

When you forgive, it is like a big stone lifted out from your heart and soul. The world becomes brighter the brain functions better. Everything that is bad or negative that happened to you has a reason. It is always there to teach us the beauty of our life. So what have you learned from this? Forget about revenge.

8.     Breaking the Cycle

In my previous posting, revenge is cyclical and always loops around your life. Good things will be bad and bad things will be more. You again have a choice to make this change.

9.     Spiritual and Philosophical benefits

Revenge eats you alive. It torments you every second of the day. How much more energy you can get if this happens? Now, if you learn to forgive then you have to release yourself spiritually and mentally from being tortured. This gives you many more benefits for the future. Think again about what benefits you have from taking revenge.

10. Letting go of the Past

The past is the past. Nobody and nothing can change that. What you get from the past is learning. Learning to be a better you. Learning to have a better life. Learning to be more successful and so on. Which will benefit you more? Past, present, or future? Your call.


As a Personal breakthrough coach, I do have clients who are having this. When they see the opportunities they have, revenge is irrelevant.

Please share if you love yourself as much as you love others.


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