
Showing posts from August, 2023

Learning - is it necessary?

 Learning - is good. But using your knowledge is more important. What makes me say this? I went into full learning mode during pandemic because of the need to upskill myself. I have never been so intense in learning since I was super busy with family and business. Guess pandemic stopped me from dying of exhaustion and take time to smell the flowers. How many of you can resonate with this. Based on historical data humans were hunters and gathers, children are the source of which work, and play is a combination of how one live. When Revolution hit the globe, people are sent to work in the agriculture lands and manufacturing plants. This in turn created landowners and lords. Next came the education system which happened during the 17th century, and it evolved into what we identify as the structure for education now. Then competition was put in as a form of test and exams. A scary phase for a lot of people which caused a lot of nail-biting situations. Depression, hatred, jealousy etc start

Career create you? Or....

 Interesting to look into our life. Pay attention to your growth. Many people think they are not growing but look at it this way. If you are worst than before, it only means that you are growing negatively or you stopped growing and let others take over you. If you are better than before - Congratulations. You did it. No matter what direction you are heading, there is only growth. So do not believe it when people say that you never grow and give up. Most people are focusing a lot on the future and the past but forget to reap enjoyment for the present. How many of you are guilty of this? I am. When everything is happening, we all take advantage and think that it is going to be ok. Do not need to do anything now but plan for the future. For those who are in a stuck state, keep digging into the past and got stuck further into the past. Why does this keep happening when we know that we should:- 1. Learn from the past and let it go. 2. concentrate on the present to get a head 3. aim for the

Symptoms of Early Depression (Wednesday)

  Adapted from Common symptoms that you should pay attention to in order to notice depression. Start from the beginning. Depression doesn’t come like a typhoon. It seeps into your life unconsciously. If it is a habit you have on journaling then use this opportunity to journal down the feelings or emotions you have. Give a date and time with the situation leading to the 14 symptoms shared here.   Suspected Beginning Symptoms Emotions/Feeling present   Date. time and situation Feeling Feeling Sad or empty     Felling Hopeless or helpless     Feeling worthless     Felling Excessively guilty     In Interest or pleasure in activities.     Anger and irritability     Feeling Tired and having a

When you die, what will life be?

 #richness in #birthanddeath A solemn topic for most people because death is considered to be sad. Death has always been painted as the end of everything. This is also #taboo to talk about death for many people. Let me bravely ask you:- 🙇Have you know of anyone who #die before? 🙇Do you know what is the experience of death? 🙇Have you seen the life of people who live but fear death? Which is more painful? Based on my knowledge the unknown mentioned above is more painful than death. Many people wait at the door of death while they are living. They make arrangements so that they don't have to die. Some are so afraid of dying that they forgot to live. Yes. I too fear death until I come across an article on how to live because you are dying. Everyone is aware that when there is birth, then there is surely going to be death. Stories people tell are to put fear and be in control of the situation. Years after years, the root cause of fear becomes a dilemma, and totally believe that dying

Birth and death - It should comes with blessings. Not Grief.

 There were times that you feel absolutely useless and demotivated. Some people managed to dig out of that with pure determination and pray that they are not hit with another blow within that short period.  As the cycle of life continues, nobody can stop the events from happening. Be it death or birth. Be it sad or happy. Be it failure or success. The list goes on. The one confirm thing is that when one is born, death is waiting. Do you want to prolong the death or do you want to proceed with living with the knowledge that you will die one of this day? Based on your observations, who suffer most when the loved one passed away? Take some time to look into this. I just lost a friend of a close friend. She was not in any way sick but the moment she was hospitalized she was diagnosed with cancer that spread from organs to the brain, she just left the world within days. What causes this to happen? Is it good that she did not need to go through the suffering of treatment and the cost of trea

What is Coaching Industry?

 This is a very broad area? In Malaysia, when you speak on coaching you will most probably have people looking at you with two big eyes as if asking "What is coaching?", "Why do you think I need coaching?", "Do you know that I am perfectly fine without coaching?" Recently I spoke to a friend who is also a Personal Coach for Biz Entrepreneurs. She told me that a lot of people in China have started to look for coaches and it is in high demand. These kinds of people who look for coaches are people with high potential, good careers, and who advance rapidly toward their goals.  Then, what is the problem with people who do not do so? They got left behind 1% at a time and it compounded their losses over time. This is because time is the energy of growing one talent. If one person uses the same time to advance while the other is just procrastinating, who do you think will score faster? You just need to google and you will notice that coaching is a billion-dollar m