What is Coaching Industry?

 This is a very broad area? In Malaysia, when you speak on coaching you will most probably have people looking at you with two big eyes as if asking "What is coaching?", "Why do you think I need coaching?", "Do you know that I am perfectly fine without coaching?"

Recently I spoke to a friend who is also a Personal Coach for Biz Entrepreneurs. She told me that a lot of people in China have started to look for coaches and it is in high demand. These kinds of people who look for coaches are people with high potential, good careers, and who advance rapidly toward their goals. 

Then, what is the problem with people who do not do so? They got left behind 1% at a time and it compounded their losses over time. This is because time is the energy of growing one talent. If one person uses the same time to advance while the other is just procrastinating, who do you think will score faster?

You just need to google and you will notice that coaching is a billion-dollar market which spread over all industries. This is one profession that will never run dry or will never let you down no matter which side of the coin that you are in.

Training is teaching you skills that you needed. Consulting is giving you ideas related to your industry and you need to know who is expert enough to be your consultant. This is because the market evolutions are speeding ahead without any consideration of where you are. Mentoring is also a skill that you need from people who knows your needs if not, you will be in deeper trouble than you are now. All these are just part of the needs which were promoted in the market. So, are you confused now?

Do not confuse coaching with training, consulting, mentoring, or therapy. In short, coaching is to help improve people and empowers them to get the outcomes they desire. It is to speed up their process from point A to Point B and face the fall. Yes, everyone falls no matter how good you are. Coaching helps to prepare one from falling badly without any netting. The fall becomes a lesson and advancement in their career. 

Many people want to know what type of coaching is available. The question that you should ask before seeking a coach is as follows:-

1. How much do I want to change/transform?

2. How fast will I want this to happen?

3. What will I need to sacrifice? Time, Money, ego, etc.

4. Will I lose out on anything if I am opening up for coaching? If yes, Am I willing to face myself?

Based on my personal experience, most people failed to move faster or even still stuck because of point 4. 

Find time to write a journal of your life. Write it as clearly as possible and then see how coaching can help you accelerate your achievements.

Good luck with your actions and thoughts thinking process in advancing in your life.

I will share more information on how coaching is the answer to full-blown success for everyone.


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