Career create you? Or....

 Interesting to look into our life. Pay attention to your growth. Many people think they are not growing but look at it this way. If you are worst than before, it only means that you are growing negatively or you stopped growing and let others take over you. If you are better than before - Congratulations. You did it.

No matter what direction you are heading, there is only growth. So do not believe it when people say that you never grow and give up. Most people are focusing a lot on the future and the past but forget to reap enjoyment for the present. How many of you are guilty of this? I am.

When everything is happening, we all take advantage and think that it is going to be ok. Do not need to do anything now but plan for the future. For those who are in a stuck state, keep digging into the past and got stuck further into the past. Why does this keep happening when we know that we should:-

1. Learn from the past and let it go.

2. concentrate on the present to get a head

3. aim for the future with clarity

Which part of the equation was missing? You are in a good career and you think everything is going to be fine until you retire. Imagine how surprised you will be when you are to retire earlier. This can be something that is totally unrelated to your performance. When this happened, you start to feel trapped. You start to feel being pushed to the corner. You stop progressing in action though you are speeding ahead in thoughts. All these is call development. However, you feel that you have not seen it before and might fear of the outcome whether you acted on it or not.

The following emotions/feelings might appear: -

Anger- because you felt over worked.

Confused - caused by not being able to make decision.

Scare - when you are unsure who can support you.

Have full control of your emotions and thoughts. Every time you hit the wall, you should be able to bounce back and evaluate the situation.

Remember, no matter what happened you are still the best in what you do when you know why you do it.

Happy weekend.


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