When you die, what will life be?

 #richness in #birthanddeath

A solemn topic for most people because death is considered to be sad. Death has always been painted as the end of everything. This is also #taboo to talk about death for many people.

Let me bravely ask you:-

🙇Have you know of anyone who #die before?

🙇Do you know what is the experience of death?

🙇Have you seen the life of people who live but fear death?

Which is more painful? Based on my knowledge the unknown mentioned above is more painful than death. Many people wait at the door of death while they are living. They make arrangements so that they don't have to die. Some are so afraid of dying that they forgot to live.

Yes. I too fear death until I come across an article on how to live because you are dying. Everyone is aware that when there is birth, then there is surely going to be death. Stories people tell are to put fear and be in control of the situation. Years after years, the root cause of fear becomes a dilemma, and totally believe that dying is painful, dying is ugly, and dying must be avoided at all costs.

Now, answer this. Do you think you can stop either birth or death? Maybe birth you can stop by not having any kids but death is unstoppable. 

Therefore, I will pop these questions to you on and off so that you become so alive with motivation when you accept that death will be a #bonus. 

This is also what caused me to be so passionate about embarking on my career as a coach. I help you to live your life with the meaning you wanted at the speed that you need. When you achieve this, every day is an enjoyable challenging, and motivating day. This only happened to people who accepted the fact that living is all about making the best of the life they have. Dying- let fate takes its course. 

Keep living well my friend. There are so many good coaches around to help you through all the difficult moments and you know it and you wanted it. I decided that I will live my life to the fullest because I know dying is a blessing that will come when it needs to come let nature take over. So for now - LET'S LIVE WELL.

#peggyang868 #lifecoaching #birthanddeathvalue #selfvalues #coachingculture #blessingsinlife #livetofullest 


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