Learning - is it necessary?

 Learning - is good. But using your knowledge is more important. What makes me say this? I went into full learning mode during pandemic because of the need to upskill myself. I have never been so intense in learning since I was super busy with family and business. Guess pandemic stopped me from dying of exhaustion and take time to smell the flowers. How many of you can resonate with this.

Based on historical data humans were hunters and gathers, children are the source of which work, and play is a combination of how one live. When Revolution hit the globe, people are sent to work in the agriculture lands and manufacturing plants. This in turn created landowners and lords. Next came the education system which happened during the 17th century, and it evolved into what we identify as the structure for education now. Then competition was put in as a form of test and exams. A scary phase for a lot of people which caused a lot of nail-biting situations. Depression, hatred, jealousy etc started to flow into the environment of learning. Something that is enjoyable as a tool of survival become a tool of killing emotions.

I like to share a real-life situation of mine. When my daughter was in Standard four of her primary school, her book went missing. She was so worried and decided to tell me. I advise her to confess to the teacher and take whatever punishments that came her way though it is not her fault. I will not go to the school to help her because I know she is capable of handling this on her own. Like an obedient child she has done what I taught her. To my surprise, she was accused lying. That she is making an excuse for not submitting her homework. This is my last straw because I taught her to be honest and be open to accepting any kind of punishment whenever she did anything wrong. To be accused of lying is a big sin for a teacher to do. This I settled with a strong letter to the headmaster. When it was settled, the teacher did not apologize. I accepted that because during that time the elders do not apologies no matter what happened. Two years later, her book appears on her desk. What does this tell you about being good in your education? 

There are cases where children are so stress that they dare not go home because they got a result that is not as good as the last one. They become very stressed and disturbed. 

20 years fast forward, I am glad that this kind of competition have slowly been replaced with understanding. However, I know of people who have their children going to tuition after tuition, special classes and etc. I hope their decisions does benefit the children when they all are in the world of working.

Fun and play are gone. In their place is repetition of hard work in a rat race.  

For the future generation of parents and children's which directions are you taking in view of all the historical data on learning. 

I just wish we have fun, play and learning all well balanced in this world of difference.                                                                                                        


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