

It is funny how things turn out when your good intention are twisted when the "newspaper" related it without knowing the core of the intention(s). In a working environment, everyone groan. Some grown out of frustration of not knowing ,others groan out of knowing but not understanding and so on. One thing I learned is that not everyone is the same. No matter how good your intention is the person(s) concerned still need to be guide. In some corporation, they will throw you to the wolves while some corporation throw the head into the wolves. It is interesting to see the flow of communication is kept clear though the intention is not. Setting and explaining the objective again is another task that I have to undertake. When things are rosy, power struggle become the issues of who is more important. To me ,the team is the most important entity. Education means forcing and breaking the norm because each task will require the said person to break their normal learning pattern. Howe

Effective coaching

Do not ever do a coaching session during friends meet. Its not effective and phone calls will disturb the flow. Always refuse the request for immediate coaching if the folllwing is not adhere to. 1. Phone must be off all calls. 2. Must have full attention for 1 hour reserved 3. Disturbance must not appear whtr the waiter or who also cannot interupt 4. Must be able to leave after that Onlg if this is done then can start the coaching session otherwise dont't do it I learned my mistakes. Cheers to all coaches.

Coronavirus aka Covid 19

Interestingly, the pandemic is slowly disappearing into the heart and mind of humanity. This generation is an accumulation of nothing to everything and suddenly you find yourself being bounced into an unknown future. In every situation, there is always plenty to learn from. From here, I learned. 1. I am the most valuable entity of my life. 2. I can be replace so can you. 3. What I know suddenly become what I need to know more. 4. Those waiting and do nothing for the past months of MCO - they will still do nothing. 5. I live for those who wants advancement and drive forward to excellence. 6. Failure becomes an opportunities because now is the failure stage. 7. Food on the table - even if it is given by the creator, I need to use my own energy to get them. Oh! and the wondering keep added to my list. They way zoom are done, the values comes from the people who don't know a lot. They can proceed to do presentation and such a great enthusiasm in watching . While those who

The Unknown elements.

Without really seeing I thought what I saw was right. This pandemic teaches me plenty. It taught me to see things my way and use it delicately when I am doing my own things. As for sharing, some expect you to be spoon feeding them because you need them for business. Some feel that you have done not enough and expect miracles from you. Living is in achieving something of value to this life at this moment . Dying - that’s the only definite thing in my life when I was born. Fear of dying will only shorten the joy of living and many are in this segment . Sad right? Bad news sell just like bad people . They last longer. In this sense, many people think they do the right thing when they do the wrong thing. Who understand what I am saying here? In the world changes, people got drowned in the flow of processes. Even when the processes is already obsolete, they still follow it blindly. When asked why they do not see the needs to improve by changing and you know what is their response " W

Time is precious

Time is so precious that I am enjoying the simple breeze and the smell of living. This pandemic have throw many challenges to me but I am am grateful for the little thing that I can grasp on. Living is having the pain and joy in learning. I have been taking a lot of webinars. In every one of this webinar, I learn a lot. I just need to think what will it do if we are to use these tools for my business or my life. There are a lot of people selling after each webinars and this is something they need to do to survive. Keep offering free webinars will not be beneficial for them in long run because time is essence of income. How can this new norm be transformed into opportunity for me? One thing for sure, I am blessed to have a family and a home of comfort. Thereafter, I can afford my expenses and life that I wanted. I have a beautiful daughter and partner. A mom who is 84 and counting = playing all the time when she don't throw tantrum. Other than that everyone is healthy and happy. Wha

Why build a coaching culture?


Everyone can do something.

Looking at this interestingly. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong anyway. Let's learn to live with this iconic Coronavirus. Malaysian are advice to practice the 3 W  Warn - Stay alert to all KKM notices Wear - Wear mask at all time whenever you are outside Wash - Wash your hands, singing happy birthday twice. It's gonna be good to be happy. Based on my observation ,most business owners was busy chasing after businesses which leave little time for them to jump on innovation.  Really wonderful people and some are slowly learning the robes in the best way they could. It's saddening to see them struggling to stay a float after nearly a decade in the business.  Just some insight on what I do my best to assist in this area which brings me back to the present.  I am managing this company as the capacity of General manager. We are traditionally famous with series  and targeted biz travel groups. Our ebiz was only initiated late last year. We have not even mana