Everyone can do something.

Looking at this interestingly. Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong anyway. Let's learn to live with this iconic Coronavirus. Malaysian are advice to practice the 3 W 

Warn - Stay alert to all KKM notices
Wear - Wear mask at all time whenever you are outside
Wash - Wash your hands, singing happy birthday twice. It's gonna be good to be happy.

Based on my observation ,most business owners was busy chasing after businesses which leave little time for them to jump on innovation. Really wonderful people and some are slowly learning the robes in the best way they could. It's saddening to see them struggling to stay a float after nearly a decade in the business. Just some insight on what I do my best to assist in this area which brings me back to the present. I am managing this company as the capacity of General manager. We are traditionally famous with series  and targeted biz travel groups. Our ebiz was only initiated late last year. We have not even manage to launch our website since the hotels and other resources are all lock down. Will all the businesses survive if we do not change? I personally do not discourage people from not wanting to learn but it is really sad that they think they can survive being that way. Maybe this pandemic manage to jerk them out of this lala land that it's just a dream. If a person do not want to change, then do not need to worry about it. I believe they are doing it very happily. Let them be and help those we need the help or guidance that is needed. What can everyone do - LEARN AT THINGS YOU GOOD AT and share experience for a better Malaysia.

I am attending a webinar series hosted by a bank and they are really in trouble. They whole presentation is not working and the line is really bad. I retrack back what I said, even those with technology support cannot conduct a good webinars. Haiz!!!!


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